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Are we Wrong to Lockdown?

Emotional intelligence? It's an interesting subject, a modern concept I believe?

http://www.cardiffandvaleuhb.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/documents/1143/Emotional Intelligence.pdf#:~:text=When Salovey and Mayer1 first,one's own thinking and action.

This is a superb read: Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ.

different, but related. it’s where a person unconsciously employs strategies to avoid difficult emotions resulting from traumatic experiences.
What a bloody boring place this would be if we were all the same huh?

I am a weirdo, do stupid things, cry, laugh, get road rage, suffered mental health issues, love deeply, laugh hard, hate somtimes, I can switch from happy to utter anger in seconds. I am a human being!

Lets stop being so bloody judgey people!

I attended very good course recently on bias behaviours, it opened my eyes. How we are so quick to judge. This forum is about so many things, lets debate yes but don't make it personal

Ok rant over, as u were!

Many years ago, on other forums my moniker was weird_andy, also, one of my twin daughters once told me "Dad, I think I get my weirdness from you", I was well pleased to hear that :D

different, but related. it’s where a person unconsciously employs strategies to avoid difficult emotions resulting from traumatic experiences.

Makes sense, thank you.
Jesus. Just skimming the first few pages of this thread was enough for me.
TEST and TRACE. It’s that simple. And interesting how it’s largely outside of the debate from the part of the thread I read...
Psychopaths don't do well in the army unless they can get through basic training and into special forces straight away.
A true psychopath is too selfish to be a team player, won't follow orders and certainly won't risk his life for others. The missus had to deal with a couple of psychos while she was serving and said basically no-one trusted them, which was bad for morale.
Psychopaths don't do well in the army unless they can get through basic training and into special forces straight away.
A true psychopath is too selfish to be a team player, won't follow orders and certainly won't risk his life for others. The missus had to deal with a couple of psychos while she was serving and said basically no-one trusted them, which was bad for morale.
Come to think of it, I did come across a couple of "cake eaters" that I thought were psycho's [emoji16]

I am on her side , with Dominic Cummins :D
Not even remotely ‘easy’ :25: People in vulnerable groups have been shielding since March, if not earlier ffs, it didn’t work then, and it’s unlikely to work this winter with thinking like yours.

So now it’s Us Vs Them? To me that is effectively a ‘fuck anyone who might be vulnerable’ attitude that is precisely how we’re going to end up with a far higher death toll. Not for me thanks.

surely it is the job of society to protect those vulnerable within its Boundaries from harm

people see their freedoms as being limited from a selfish standpoint and don’t see that it’s about protecting those with known AND UNKNOWN underlying conditions.
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