That's handy to know, thanks Lisa
Without having to trawl through the recommended suppliers list, would anyone be able to advise on where to buy the PnP-VM5 and PnP-VM6 (0.2 & 0.15ohm respectively, I think?
Another little query - as mentioned earlier in the thread, I've opted for using smart mode in the 40-50W range. I accidentally stumbled into the temeprature control settings mode (which I didn't even previously realise was there), and am finding it all a bit confusing! Have googled 'Argus GT tc settings' but I'm no further forward, and the user manual itself says nothing about how to use them - should I assume that Smart Mode itself will take care of a 'default' setting as far as temperature control is concerned? Even actually getting the thing out of Temperature Control settings is tricky!