Wow, a lot of info there for a dummy like me to take inIt wont be dangerous if you vaped by accident in temperature control (tc) if you are using non tc wire but usually on mods you will get a poor vape if doing so ..... however, you must vape in temp control mode if using Ni 200 coils (Ni) or titanium coils(Ti)
Neither of the voopoo coils are of that material i believe so just use normal wattage mode , Also if you are using coils with stainless steel wire coils (ss) then they are able to be used in either temp control (ss) or normal wattage mode.
To get out of temp control mode on the argus gt , click three times on the fire button which will then take you to smart mode then click three times more and that will take you into wattage mode (R) which is adjustable above the smart mode maximum, or to get out of the screen which displays all three temp control modes, select one of the tc options by holding down the fire button and then when in temp control mode selected , click the fire button three times which will then select smart mode (S) and then click three times more which will take you into wattage mode (R) which can be adjustable above smart modes recommended wattage max setting.
Hope that helps.

One thing with this Argus GT that I cannot figure out: how to clear the puff counter. If I go by the user manual instructions, which advise to press fire and the minus button at the same time - nope, this just brings up the chip ID info. Fire and plus button gives a lock/unlock function (not even sure what this is for!). I've googled how to clear puff counter and all the online advice seems to be the same as the user manual: Fire and minus button.
Any ideas?!