Ok guys so this bloody cleito tank is still spitting like a volcano, i have burnt my tongue and throat now to the point i cant stand to vape any more. When i fire it up i can inhale for like 1-2 seconds before it starts gurgling and spitting hot hot juice in my mouth and down my throat ive changed the coil again this is now my third thinking that it was a bad coil batch or something but now i think its just the fact the coil is so close to your mouth its inevitable. Ive tried every wattage variation possible but that only increases the heat of the liquid i inhale/drink. Ive put tissue down it to clear any juice from the coil im now using a 80vg/20pg and still no change whatsoever, started using my isub apex and the loss in flavour compared to the molten hot liquid ive been drinking is a god send.