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Atomiser head cross compatibility


Feb 12, 2014
Hi all,

Does anyone have some sort of list of what atomiser heads work with which vaping devices?
I'll try and be a bit clearer. I bought an E-Kross VV pipe by X Fire and the atty head is starting to go. I'm seriously looking at getting some wick & wire to repair my own but everywhere seems to be sold out. So in the mean time I need some quick ready made replacements.
Over 2 weeks I've asked both the vender, and the manufacturer multiple times which heads go in the pipe but the replies ranged from non-existent to barely useless.
I know the atty head is a bottom coil replaceable one but there are soooo many on the market looking quite similar but a bit longer here or there.
Any help or advice would be most welcome.

Oh yeah, and the pipe clearly states 510/eGo compatible but the new Aerotank I bought refuses to work on it. It just flashes the firing light quickly and won't fire up.

Long road ahead me thinks.
Looks like a carto in a clear tank (clearomiser) with ego type connector...someone correct me if wrong
If the aerotank screws down then the pos. pin in the mod may be pushed down too far...
REMOVE BATTERY and try to CAREFULLY lever up the centre connector on the mod, then try again....
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Thanks guys. I may have to just buying a load of different coils and see which one fits the bill.
Regarding the Aerotank issue I tried the "pin lift" trick but to no avail. It didn't help that both atty heads that came in the original box were duds. I had to borrow another head from a guy here in Helsinki. The Aerotank works on my cheap eGo style twist battery but not on my expensive pipe.
And the vendor is reluctant to answer my emails because I actually have a problem and they smell a return.
your not the first person to have probs getting it to fire up GOOGLE Aerotank not firing :grin2:
Kanger tanks have notoriously longer threads on the connection, which fudges some devices. Also, check the heads, at the lower grommet ring, check that there is no coil-wire poking out from the bottom (another Kanger speciality... sometimes).

I can't recall whether the kanger heads are compatible or not, I'll try and dig out the Kross atty. Though Roadhoguk might have his closer to hand :)
Do you guys have any recommendations for a new glass tank?
I've been sniffing around the Protank 3 but heard mixed reviews. I think I've about had it with that bloody Aerotank.
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