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Bad taste following V5 Nova Atty rebuild


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Hi there.
I recently started rebuilding my nova attys after seeing a guide posted here.
Im using a v5 nova tank and ego batteries (1k and 650) for now, probably going to get a mod tube soon (will save me getting out the multimeter to check my ohmages).

Anyhow, Ive successfully build 3 working attys now using .23 kanthal wire and 2mm silica wick. (Primary flaming of the kanthal wire before coiling x5 round a 1.5mm allen key and then flaming again x2 once coiled before threading the wick with tin foil)
They work and give lots of vapour and everything, however...

When the atty is brand new there is a bloody terrible taste for about half a tank's worth of juice (once took a full tank) and then it goes alright.
I'm just wondering if there is a way to avoid this because the ones new out of the box never did this?
Should I use a finer wire gauge or ni-chrome?
Any advice appreciated.

I have found the same thing. Think it's the silica bedding in. Like you say after half a tank to a tank it disappears. The heads you build yourself last a lot longer than the shop bought ones I find :)
I agree, silica does tend to have a "bedding in" taste.
Keep vaping on it and if it doesn't clear, try a new wick.
If that doesn't do it, try some new wick or perhaps swap kanthal for nichome (or vice versa)

If all else fails, you can always purchase replacement heads for the V5 ;)
As if!
I'm making this work! Sooooo much cheaper, and vapes better too.
Seems to wear off, just seeing if there was a way of not wasting half a tank of juice on chuffing away and not inhaling it.
Flame the wick till it glows white, doesnt take much heat, I can do it with a lighter, or some soak it in juice then burn it off, both ways work pretty well :)
Flame the wick till it glows white, doesn't take much heat, I can do it with a lighter, or some soak it in juice then burn it off, both ways work pretty well :)

Yep. This is done every time before and after coiling, seems to lock the coil in shape quite nicely.
Ah think I've been doing it wrong:rolleyes I flame the coil but never the wick,so do I just cover the sillica wick in juice and flame before I coil it? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?
I flame the wire so it glows orange, Then flame the wick till it glows white then coil round the wick, then you should be good to go
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