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Bans and more bans

Two of my young 'uns are 3/6mg DTL'ers, the other two plus my younger bro are 12mg MTL'ers + my missus and myself.

I'm down to 0.2 dtl and 0.6 mtl, nic goes a long way but my daily ml consumption is far too high tbh. I have about 1/2 litre of 72mg left in the freezer, and a litre of 10ml 18mg nic shots, also frozen, it was short date stuff. My Daughter was 16-18ml, the amount of nic used was insane, she's still at 12mg and that's a load of nic also.
I raid Evapo clearance eliquids for her instead, she'll vape anything except menthol, aniseed, Liquorice or that awful heizenburg crap. Easier to buy a load of premade at £1 a bottle than raid my 72mg nic supply. That's a big houseful of family you've got there :doh:

Yep, point taken, and I stand corrected @andi52. Doesn't change my point that, with the exception of hobbyists, there is no cavalry coming. However cynical my POV is, I still do as much advocacy/letter writing as I can, but with no faith that it will make that much difference.

As the UK vape industry is governed by the MHRA, i think we might be fucked, they'll lap up any new EU rules, regs and ideas, and the government will be looking for any new revenue streams, to help fill the covid financial blackholes. I always remember an old dear crying when the nic limit was reduced to 20mg, she had to have 36mg, fancy that, an 86yo (yes!) being mugged over :eek: "We" (the shop) kept her going for ages, on 36mg but said shop was eventually raided, you would've thought we were selling crack, the way they stormed in.
That's a big houseful of family you've got there
Thankfully they have mostly flown the nest, though they are unashamed cadgers when it comes to vape juice "....yours is better than commercial dad..." is the gross exaggeration they give for being tighter than two coats of paint.....no, my juice is, at best, ordinary, but FREE.
"We" (the shop) kept her going for ages, on 36mg but said shop was eventually raided, you would've thought we were selling crack, the way they stormed in.
I have zero faith in Govt., Police, Council or any other 'official' body, I also believe the complete opposite of anything they tell me. Was once a ridiculer of the conspiracy mob....less so now. The evidence of my own eyes and the application of my own intellect make it obvious, to me at least, that they are a shower of no-use pricks working for the interests of those determined to strip us of our sovereign rights and our privacy. In the face of this, I proceed with the mentality of looking after the interests of me and mine. Selfish perhaps, but I play it as I see it. There are far too many prepared to cede their power to those who will doubtless abuse the privilege.
done written ready to post to my MP

if you can type on here, you can do it write that letter to your MP, if you need it printed email me. For god's sake, what are you going to do when vaping is gone.

many voices can make a difference.

moderators can this thread be pinned and highlighted if @Mawsley is asking it's not some new member, he is asking us why we haven't written because he knows more about the situation than we do.
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done written ready to post to my MP

if you can type on here you can do it if you needed it printed email me for god sake what are you going to do when vaping is gone

many voices can make a difference

moderators can this thread be pinned and highlighted if @Mawsley is asking it's not some new member he is asking us why we haven't written because he knows more about the situation than we do
Punctuation would help. I sometimes struggle to know what the fuck it is you're talking about!!!! Some others might appreciate your help if they could understand what you're trying to tell them!!
Not everyone wants to, or can .............. I was just trying to help. :D
Just put a blurb at the beginning. I dont even really get what an mp is, but i know ppl and most will simply read the number of emails about it n balance that with whether they have to care.

Even if they do open it, thats some heavy reading in that letter. I would just put a blurb about how vaping was so integral to u quitting smoking, to get them interested, and then leave the rest at the bottom because most probably wont know about the legislation either so leave it in there so they dont have to search it.

If u dont find time to protect your freedoms, they will b taken away
We don't have a community at all anymore, do we.

A few years ago a thread like this would be up to ten pages by now.
We don't have a community at all anymore, do we.

A few years ago a thread like this would be up to ten pages by now.

nope none

unless I give mods away or do huge discounts or do funny threads that takes the piss out of myself there is nothing

when it’s gone it’s gone

U.K. leading the way in vaping yeah right that’s the saddest part of all

Edit this.....

“If u dont find time to protect your freedoms, they will b taken away”
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