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BBC Demo 11th January

I was talking to MADSWEDE last night and the guy who runs the vape shop in kirkintilloch (sorry, don't know the name of it) is closing shop that day to turn up at the BBC, Hopefully, he's told some of his regular customers about how important this display of solidarity within the vaping community is, and they might turn up as well.....

This is one of those times where the "I'm all right Jack" and "Someone else will do it" attitude wont work....We, as Vapers need to stand up and be counted, otherwise, we'll just be looked upon as just another bunch of wierdos demonstrating for nothing
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That's good then that he's comin down where we meeting? The front like the road side or the back at the river?

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Hope the Glasgow meet has a decent turnout. I'm already committed to travelling down to Birmingham for it, otherwise I'd turn up to Glasgow.
Sorry guys but I feel so ill tried to get up and go but just couldn't I'm so sorry I hope you guys kick some arse I'm so gutted I'm missing it

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