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BBC Filming - Urgent support needed

How do I share this? I can't make it as I don't live nearby but lots of luck!

Facebook, twitter , tumblr , what ever networking sites / apps you use or have accounts with, even if a friend of a friend and so on sees it that lives local they might just go along out of interest so it all counts

This is a great chance to represent the vaping community and hopefully other news and TV networks might follow if the story grabs enough attention
This is a last minute reminder to anyone that can make tomorrow either at the shop or at the Prince of Wales pub to help support the BBC news shoot. The BBCarrive at the shop at 3pm and will be there until 5pm. At 5pm we will head over to the pub opposite for a vape meet. I know of at least 2 other vendors as well as ourselves that will be there along with a selection of shinies etc.. The BBC film crew will also come across to the pub to film casual vapers over a beer.
As part of this occasion and also as part of World vaping week, we will be giving a 20% discount off everything in store for tomorrow afternoon only. Come along and provide your support for vaping as part of World Vaping Week. Your support will make a big difference. Hope to see as many of you there tomorrow as possible.
Just a quick update. I have passed on contact details of a guy called Ian in charge of The Chequers Inn in Charney,Oxfordshire to the BBC as another vape friendly pub. The BBC wanted a pub in Oxfordshire to do a similar filming so that they could put the vaping piece out on BBC Oxfordshire at the same time on Thursday. I don't know if they will film there or not but I'm pretty sure they will. If they do it will be sometime between 4.30pm and 5.30pm tomorrow if anyone is interested. Every little bit of positive publicity we can get really helps to make people aware of what vaping is all about. We don't get many opportunities to get vapers together in one place the same time as an eager BBC film crew so lets all give these opportunities our best shot.
I got a call to go to the BBC studios this morning to do a 10 minute slot on the morning show. Jeremy Vine turned up out of the blue so my radio slot got reduced to just a minute or 2. Someone from ASH came on after me and put a very positive slant on ecigs apparently. I haven't heard it myself yet. The filming is going out on BBC Oxford at 6.30pm tonight if you can get it. We also had a Reading Chronicle reporter come around yesterday. He is going to do a big piece on us for the weekend paper. We managed to sell him a double starter kit before he left so know we have a vaping senior reporter on the Reading Chronicle. That should help us in the future. lol
The filmed piece is going to be on Freesat channel 958 (BBC Oxford) in about 15 or 20 minutes. No idea how they have edited it or whether it will be positive or negative but here's hoping.
The filmed piece is going to be on Freesat channel 958 (BBC Oxford) in about 15 or 20 minutes. No idea how they have edited it or whether it will be positive or negative but here's hoping.
Found it! Sky 965
Thanks everyone for all your support. At the very least we have got a lot of people curious about vaping and helped enlighten a good few as to what an ecig actually is.

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