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Bend Over Down Under

A billboard in south east Queensland -


The world’s becoming a Dictatorship, bloody Politicians telling people how to run their lives
The world’s becoming a Dictatorship, bloody Politicians telling people how to run their lives

Sadly many are well past just telling and now pass laws to fine or lock you up if you don't.
Too much Corruption in Politics the whole system is shot. It’s the rich that hold all the Aces. And Politicians having control over the population and changing the laws to suit their agenda. Barstewards.
This is what happens when politicians become totally devoid of vote catching ideas. The govt doesnt give a shite whether you vape or not, they just go with what they perceive is the flow.
time to :flames: the place to the ground, take care of the politicians :guns:, close the banks :diy: and start again
The Australian health minister has announced an import ban on disposable vapes will start on 1 January and by March refillable non-therapeutic vapes will also be banned from entering the country. Vapers there are well and truly effed.
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