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Best E-Juice Vendor in the UK

I would recommend you to buy all of your vape items from ecigwarehouse.co.uk, they have a large variety of products and currently they are offering discount on the occasion of Black Friday.
You are either fucking HIGH. Or affiliated with the Tool that runs ecigripoffhouse. So many people pissed off with them.. How can you recommend them??
Sounds like we got a couple of facebook folks, trying to cause drama with falsehoods. At the minute all postage is getting delayed so vape companies are not at fault for that.
Prime Vapes are very average imho
You are either a troll which I already think you are or there is something seriously wrong with your taste buds...
Gave Bread of Heaven a try. Been vaping it for the last two weeks or so. A very good vape albeit a tad bit intense for my taste.
Prime Vapes are one of my goto Juice Vendors and i think i only use about 3 and one of them is for NET. As already said, if you think Prime Vapes is average get your taste buds sorted or if your a Troll get the fuck back under your bridge.
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