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Big new vape laws coming in OZ

I'll tell you all another thing that was used against us vapers here.
Stupid infantile attacks on those from the Govt.
The Govt are suit wearers, straights, you know what I mean.
Yet for years vape advocates, called themselves so but all I saw them as were uneducated idiots that caused more harm than good. Putting up messages on the net calling the Govt against us "f##$$g c@#$s, f#@$ you, we can vape what we,#$$$$#@ @#$$& want, @##$ you.
Honestly, thats what they did, then ha ha we'll still get what we want! Who in their right mind acts like that and says those things!? Thats armour piercing ammo to the Govt Suits!
You don't go as a damn advocate telling them to "get f@#$ c@#$$ ha ha ha"
Thats what has happened. You know what else here in Oz these utter moron infants did!? They sold and advertised stickers for a health minister to put on your car, or buy a mug calling the then Aussie health minister who they, idiots, expected to listen to them "Hunt the C@#$"
Seriously, they expected that to work! Infantile morons. It loaded their guns.
Now they tell us as all as all out vape war is launched on us its OK!?
You utter dimwits who did this.
Kinder kid mind morons thought that talking and attacking Govt bodies and suits with profanity and personal profanity attacks,stickers and mugs and tshirts was gonna win anything for vapers!?
No, they have brought all this on.
I send intelligent messages and petitions to govt leaders and reps as do all the others I am in contact with that use our heads instead of foul mouths and insults and a stupid more ammo comments like the dimwits use here like implying you can still get all you want under the mat.
They'll stuff us up these idiots. And if a win is done, mark my words it will never be from their foul mouth gutter attacks.
To be honest and trusted is perhaps the definition of having morals…But unfortunately, society is made up of individuals, and even a small number of free-riders and power-seekers can destroy our collective trust. Not everyone feels they should be honest when we are constantly bombarded by double-speak and public figures without ethics. So there is an incomparable difference between us trusting each other on a personal level and blindly trusting leaders who consciously exploit that trust.

As I read a large quantity of international news every day, I am somewhat familiar with the level of incompetence the Australian government has shown over the last few years, not just with Covid, but also regarding the environment and the economy. I can just imagine what is kept quiet and hidden from public view :hmm: I can however mention that there are unheard of levels of idiocy here in Norway, as well. Maybe not of Oz dimensions, but it is a universal phenomenon I’m afraid :22:

It has also been enlightening and entertaining watching vids from down under, particularly these:


Maybe you could contact them and request a sardonic response to the vaping hysteria? Might be something we all could use in our fight against the ministry of truth :2thumbsup:
Way ahead of you, this is what iv been sending without calling them profanities...
Sent a number just earlier today.
And sent many many others like it over the past 3yrs.
Sent to Govt members in parliament. Like others I know do.
This is my newest in response to the TV show.
Iv sent many many others in the past in response to media lies.
Without mugs and stickers.

"Truth about vaping.
Hello I am writing to you in regards to coming vaping laws.
It is a proven smoking cessation method that is fully legal and widely accepted in many other Western countries.
The incoming laws will do nothing other than expand the black market and create harm to people buying cheap clone brands and other non recognised products that could have anything in them.
I would like to also let you know that the media is not telling the truth.
Lets look at Chanel 7s Spotlight show and its recent fake news hit job on vaping.
Lets start with him the presenter interviewing three teenage girls.
He asks them "Have you heard of Popcorn lung?"
One says "Oh yes, iv heard vapers cough and you can hear a popping sound!"
How utterly ridiculous, she played the game and pretended to know about it. Popcorn lung has nothing to do popping sounds. And it has been proven to never have been an issue with vaping. She was clearly lying and played along. Coulthard would have know its just a name and not a sound being emitted by a persons lungs, after all he is an investigative journalist and and should know what he is bringing up. Yet he let a kid say that ridiculous statement and sat there mute.
I bet he was thinking when she blurted that "ooh, gold"!
Here is info on so called Popcorn Lung.


Evali was also mentioned. What studies have found though is that there was a big link to, yes, black market thc liquids cut with vitamin e oil.
It wasn't vapes you buy in propper vape shops, it was black market, what they called "dank vapes". Yet Coulthart would have everyone believe that its every vape that causes it. Not true by a long shot and false and misleading journalism was the entire show.



Don't be misled by the recent medias sensationalist journalism on vaping.
Please read and consider what I have presented to you and do your own research on these subjects raised and these matters.
Please, when in Parliament, and called upon to express your views on vaping or even to vote/pass something, remember this.
Regards Jon"
Unless your happy to lie and break the law. I don't and I dont advocate doing it.
Its not about me having morals. Its about being honest.
I wont lie. I can't be trusted if I lie.

I think you're seeing it the wrong way...

Because of the vape regs in Aus, it is morally right and ethically sound to support the black (or grey) market.. or else potentially go back to smoking...

If lying happens to come into that process, then so be it (you would be lying for good reason).
I think you're seeing it the wrong way...

Because of the vape regs in Aus, it is morally right and ethically sound to support the black (or grey) market.. or else potentially go back to smoking...

If lying happens to come into that process, then so be it (you would be lying for good reason).
You live here do you? Are you Australian telling me how to tie my shoe laces. Are you living in My Country!?
Where do you live?
Tell me how you know more about where I live than you do?
Wasn't an opinion it was an ingnorant put down.
Wasn't an opinion it was an ingnorant put down.

Sorry again, as I didn't mean it as a put-down... I wasn't being judgemental.

I was actually trying to give support to anyone who chooses to circumvent crazy vape laws...
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