Stumbled across this thread whilst looking for what e-liquids are good - I'm about 12 days into vaping, moved away from ~5 fags a day.
I started looking into CBD last week as I used to enjoy the occasional joint in uni 10+ years ago, and I have performance anxiety that I thought this may assist with.
Looked around various places, Amazon etc to see which one to go for and eventually ordered a 200mg 10ml (200mg per bottle, I'm not sure if the ones in the OP of this thread are 20mg per bottle or per ml?), got it from eBay as for some reason the spiel on the listing reassured me - though admittedly it was a lottery. - link here They seem to do 100-500mg per bottle.
Arrived today (next day), i added probably about 1ml to an existing 1ml in the half empty tank on my EVOD Mega (this is all I have so far!) and had several drags. About 15 mins later, excellent relaxation and "body high" without the psychoactive effects / paranoia of a joint. Most of you on the thread will probably know what I'm talking about. Was still floating ~2 hours later (half an hour ago) when I topped back up.
Anyway I have no point of comparison as this is the only one I've tried, but when you consider I've probably only had about 0.1ml (2mg) of the stuff in total, I'm pretty impressed. Hope this helps someone looking for a decent one to buy, I would recommend it. I would also be interested to hear if anyone else has tried it (or does try it) and how it compares with other "brands".