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CBD VAPES by herbal tides

Did anyone ever find out what the secret ingredient was in the CBD Vapes liquid? I can't see why Dan from Herbal Tides can't just tell us. After all he is no longer producing this liquid.

It obviously had some type of legal high in it.

Not sure exactly but I know that some had traces of THC in. This is the illegal bit so they had to can it. So not a legal high but an illegal high :D Like I said, not sure exactly but think @Huggett might know.
Not sure exactly but I know that some had traces of THC in. This is the illegal bit so they had to can it. So not a legal high but an illegal high :D Like I said, not sure exactly but think @Huggett might know.
If only we could still buy it. I was vaping it daily for 5 months. If I knew what was inside it, it would be that much easier to find something similar. Thanks.
Hi everyone. Newby here. I have been gaping the blue haze by cbdvapes for for about 6 months. This is still available from my vape shop in Nottingham. The guy purchased a bulk of it when herbal tides sold of existing stock. I pay £25 for the 20ml 200mg bottle. It is good and gives me all the creative benefits I used to get with cannabis. It also relaxes and wipes me out at night so a good all round oil. I am a little sceptical as to the exact ingredients. I've emailed dan but had no reply.. hmm.


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I've tried botanicals cbd from Amazon, the 10ml bottle which I bought is no longer on there. It gives me a nice relaxing body high, slightly warm brain but absolutely zero psychoactive effect on my brain like weed, which is exactly what I wanted and had read about prior to buying.

Any idea if botanicals cbd liquid has legal high shit in it?????
hello, please can you tell me how to take it without smoking ? ecig maybe ? thank you for your help, it's for medical purpose.
What I'd do to get hold of a few bottles of this. :) The best CBD e-liquid I've ever tried.

Still got fond memories of it from 2016.
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