Here we go
I started smoking about 25 years ago mainly due to another habit that I mixed with ciggies (cough cough)...
Fast forward til 4 years ago
Had a really bad relationship break down turned to drink and was smoking around 40+ day and drinking everyday (dont know how i managed to keep my job) that's the past and forgotten now..
Now with my beautiful girlfriend (just under 4 years together) soon to be wife
first two months with her were like a roller coaster but through lots of talking and been told by the doc i had clinical depression. So one problem solved 6 months of tablets and drink free and have been since
So one problem gone now attack the ciggies tried cold turkey but only lasted 4 weeks getting to stressed and back on the stinkies and 3 months pasted and I decided to take advantaged if the nhs quit smoking stuff. so they gave me patches and those stupid inhalers that tasted of a ashtray. After 7 weeks of patches and endless nights of really crazy dreams but smoke free life was good apart from the 2 stone i put on because maybe my taste buds could enjoy the foods and sweets again ( f**king Mars bars )..
Then boom both of us were made redundant and my stress levels went through the roof so i started on the stinkies again. All the moaning started again but then a revelation last October when the G/F told me I was gonna be a daddy( my first ) and hearing that just after you turn 40 the month before was a massive shock and joy. So i promised i would try quitting again but she said no more nrt because of the crazy dreams and sleepless nights..
Now 8 weeks ago from 8am this morning I went to my local supermarket and got a 10 motivates ciggy and pack of carto's and after 2 days i was thinking this is ok but not good enough so started reading and a day later bought some fluid from TW vendor (worst mistake ever i know that now) to refill the carto's (condom method).. soon ordered a ego and a couple of CE4's (lasted a week before buying a couple of mini nova's) and not looked back.
In the last week I received my first vv/vw pv, mixed my own juice, wicked and recoiled my nova's also joined POTV which help me decide on the pv and all the other things I have done.
Nearly 4 weeks ago our son was born am happy he is not smelling stinkies and the g/f is mega happy am of the smokes ( after alot of talking regarding the out lay of vaping in the first pv and mixing own juice. I will be saving money but most importantly my health for all of us..
I would like to personally say thanks to all the members and hello to all the newer ones to like myself and a massive thanks to the forums a massive help
THANKS POTV & Happy Birthday again
P.s. i was the first to Post Happy Birthday
Peace Out
MadTz AKA Gerry