Definitely does not look like hcigar and as said its probably tobeco or some other company especially as they won't tell you, I would definitely assume its not hcigar.
is it just me or does anyone else find this line total and utter bollocks
i quote "If you are using unprotected batteries like most mechanical mod users, the pin will get loose when you try to make it fit."
sorry if im wrong but dont most Mech users use PROTECTED batteries??
odd because the protected batteries i have are 10 amp limit. more than enough for sub ohms, though whats more odd is i cant find the batteries anywhere.. they are efest 2600 protected 18650 flat tops.. now on efest website they only have the nipple top ones in protected and the flat top in unprotected yet these are the ones that are around 3mm longer and you can see the protection strip that runs across the top of the flat top.
as you can see here from the images. taken next to nipple top 2000mah efest 18650 to show how much longer it is.
all a bit puzzling as i can find very little info about the darn thing other its supposed to be 10amps
The only warning pertaining to this clone ought to be that if you put it down at Vapefest it'll get lost in the millions of others that'll be cluttering up the place.