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choosing eliquid??


New Member
Oct 7, 2013
Hi, recently new to vapping, had some great times last week so thanks. I'm trying to work out which eliquid to buy... I have got VIP golden Virginia ( 16mg) and American tobacco or something (24mg). I find the 16mg doesn't give enough of a throat hit and the 24 mg is giving me a headache! So someone suggested trying 18mg, but I can't seem to find this in the VIP range. Anyone got any recommendations? I really like the American tobacco one. I've tried to look through the review section on this website but found it a bit confusing! Thanks
Which E-Liquid s something of an eternal question 16mg is certainly an odd strength.

Ultimately all the recommendations in the world don't compare to trying the stuff for yourself. Ideally if you can find an actual vape shop close to you where you can go in and try out some liquids this is probably the best way.

Next best would be to get some sample packs of small quantities of e-liquid to try. There's a company called Smoke Rainbow that do exactly that. http://www.smokerainbow.com/

Have a look as well at a site called www.allthejuices.com that have a lot of reviews that anyone can add to you might find some recommendations there that you like.

If you find that he 16mg tobacco flavour really works for you and there isn't a slightly stronger tobacco you prefer then it's possible to 'fix' it by adding nicotine base to your existing e-liquid. It's simpler and easier though to buy an 18mg version of something you like as well.

Most people new to vaping tend to want to replicate the same flavour as the brand of tobacco they used to smoke. Which isn't possible. After a while once their sense of taste returns lots of vapers find they prefer a fruit vape or a dessert vape instead of tobacco. One of the huge plus points to vaping is you can vape pretty much any flavour you can think of, you're not limited, though finding new ones can be a bit of a headache sometimes.
One of the huge plus points to vaping is you can vape pretty much any flavour you can think of, you're not limited, though finding new ones can be a bit of a headache sometimes.

agree with all you say but particularly this last point. There is so much choice and so many brands and flavours out there that to try and find a favourite can cost a lot.

If you like strong robust flavours, go for Wizmix. If you like more subtle stuff, try Snake Oil or Kraken. Just my opinion, and I have only tried four suppliers. But that's the problem: to get a fully rounded view you need to try many suppliers. This takes a lot of vaping and more money. Not great for those of us who gave up fags in order to save money!
Though once you find one or two e-liquids you like and you've got a device you really do save money.

There will always be people on forums who like buying shiny things - and who like talking about the shiny things that they've bought or the latest and greatest e-liquid.

You don't need to spend lots though if you don't want to, a decent midrange mod, a vamo or a SID or an SVD or an MVP or a ZMax kit will will cost you about £100 a couple of tanks about £30 and after that you need to buy heads and e-liquid if you end up making your own heads then juice will cost £1-2 a day. If the average smoker was on 20-a-day and was paying £7 for a pack of 20 or £7.50 for 25g of rolling baccy the savings soon add up.
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