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Cloudchasing advice

0% nic 100% VG for starters.
Next is the biggest airholes in the castle are 2.5mm as far as I'm aware, it seems significantly smaller than .5 of a mm compared to 2 rda's i have with 3mm airholes though. The Castle is my favourite RDA I've owned but it's not my cloud chasing device, for that I have an igo w3 and a pop-a drilled out.

With the igo w3 running quad coils at .4ohms it certainly huffs clouds but the vapes not as dense as the pop-a I'm guessing due to needing probably a .2/3 ohm build in it to warrant how much airflow it has, although you can twist the cap slightly to help you along.
My pop-a has replaced my igo-w which had 2.4mm airholes which produced some THICK vapour but the size of the clouds were a 1/4 of the w3's production, I'd say my pop-a with dual coils at .5 ohms produces denser vape than my w3 at .4 running quads, but still the clouds are 3/4 the size of the w3's quad set up.

What I'm trying to say is, airflow and heat is number 1 in cloud chasing, you need the right amount of heat going through your coils and enough air going to them to hit that sweet spot in between density and quantity.

So, with the castle your best bet is to either drill out the largest airholes in both caps another .5(maybe) or 1mm, do 8/9 wraps on a 1.8mm screwdriver with .32 kanth which should bring you out to around .4/.5 ohms I'm guestimating with duals, could even be .6!

The lowest I can handle on the castle with the stock airholes is .6 ohms, anything lower and it's just too hot with not enough airflow even though it does produce some dense vape, all the little details matter though, how much wicking your using, how much juice youre getting to your coils, how high up or down the coils are sat near the airhole, how close to the airholes they are, how you have it set up regarding air going through the center of the coil with wicking on the outside or wick through the coil etc.

Another thing you can try for the crack although not practical as it GUZZLES juice and is a pain for dry hits etc, is cotton clouds, I find i aways get a bigger clouds with more density when using cotton clouds but you have to top up literally every 2-3 hits.
Wrap some .32 round the smallest thing you can find probably about 14/15 wraps, shove a little bit of cotton underneath and get it wet!
Hoped you might chip in as knew you had a castle too.

Well until I get the ohm meter and drill to twist some wire and try a super low ohm thought would give a nano coil a go. Cotton cloud I think.

Just tried a single to fiddle away with, and it's quite good! Getting a decent amount of vapour and very little heat up time. .32 kanthal around a safety pin. Coming out at 0.8 so would be perfect when I double up. As the castle is dual air holes had my finger over one just to test it. Aligned the airhole next to the neg post by the bottom of the coil thinking that some air may pass straight through the coil.

Can't wait to rebuild with another in now! ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1394153466.152887.jpgImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1394153475.868048.jpg

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Idea is, get as much heat as you can(low ohms)and as much air as you can. My clone Chinese dripper has now got 2x2.5 mm air holes with a dual coil setup on 4mm Voodoo wool wicks and even with a 50/50 mix I can blow huge clouds. I have had to drop from 18mg juices to about 10-12 mg juices or I get a nicotine headache within minutes as sub ohm dripping is an excellent method to reduce nicotine usage.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
Raguri. Thank you my man, that set up kicks it out! Finally got round to twisting some .25. Wow!

Tried the dual nano dragon out first and results were similar but had to drip near enough every draw or cotton tasted singed. Flavour is better with your method too.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I did exactly that on Friday. I butchered my cheap FT IGO-W drilling 3mm holes and coiling it at 0.3ohms.
This vid doesn't do it justice on the cloud front but with 80% VG and 20% flavour, it does chuck the clouds and there is flavour too.
2 x 5 wraps of 25awg .45mm around 2mm drill bit.
More air my man.

So far, I have not found ONE fancy setup, that beats mine... they're not worth the faff, honestly :P

And Seedy

Now, get a double cross! ;)
I never thought I'd find a use for that free spool 25awg but man oh man, I was wrong. Next time 4 wraps ;-)

My god that stuff sounds good x'D
I'm using 0.8 ribbon wire at the moment, 0.35 ohms, but the clouds are awesome! wick coverage is awesome with this stuff
My god that stuff sounds good x'D
I'm using 0.8 ribbon wire at the moment, 0.35 ohms, but the clouds are awesome! wick coverage is awesome with this stuff

I'm thinking if I build a mod with double the power, I'll get some thicker stuff. Maybe even .6mm. The power will be there and i d like to get below .2ohms. Push these 30amp batts to the limit. I'm only at about 15amp with this setup! :-)
I'm thinking if I build a mod with double the power, I'll get some thicker stuff. Maybe even .6mm. The power will be there and i d like to get below .2ohms. Push these 30amp batts to the limit. I'm only at about 15amp with this setup! :-)

look at the "monster" build under DIY modding ;)
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