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Coil expert required...

Again, I'd urge you to think about airflow. You're overthinking the heat flux theory here instead of concentrating on the practicalities of how you're vaping. The surface area of the metal in contact with wick is a factor but the efficiency of evaporation (using more juice) is more importantly about the airflow ... once the coil is up to temperature.

Yeah I've been looking at 'heat flux' as a fixed 'end-result' measurement, rather than a rate of transfer.

Maybe I should go back to temp controlled vaping :)

Ni80 will heat up faster, the larger coil mass of a clapton will create more heat .... eventually. ;) Think about temperature and heat separately, they're not the same thing.
As above, heat and temperature are not the same thing, do you follow?

I do follow :)

Does anyone measure the pleasure of a car journey by the average MPG? Does simply increasing the MPG make it more pleasurable?

There's plenty of people up here in Scotland that swear by this!

Thanks for taking the time to explain this all scrumpox.
Yeah I've been looking at 'heat flux' as a fixed 'end-result' measurement, rather than a rate of transfer.

Maybe I should go back to temp controlled vaping :)

I do follow :)

There's plenty of people up here in Scotland that swear by this!

Thanks for taking the time to explain this all scrumpox.
Thanks for posting the thread. :)
What would you gain from it?

Sometimes I feel the 2nd vape in quick succession is a bit warm for my liking, so my thinking is that using temp control would regulate that, because there's still heat / energy in the coil from the 1st vape.

Christ, I feel like I'm back in school again :) The voice in my head went up at the end of the sentence above as I'm not 100% sure it's right.
I have found that threading the coil slightly tighter with cotton and using unspaced coils cuts spitting and popping the best.

Also, using 38-40 guage wrap helps a bit.

I am always trying different methods, cuz claptons r all i use, so far that has been the most successful in that respect.

Also lowering the heat a few watts sometimes helps me

(It varies by deck tho, so its hard to really pin down)
Sometimes I feel the 2nd vape in quick succession is a bit warm for my liking, so my thinking is that using temp control would regulate that, because there's still heat / energy in the coil from the 1st vape.

Christ, I feel like I'm back in school again :) The voice in my head went up at the end of the sentence above as I'm not 100% sure it's right.
If it helps, that's just how I felt when I tried temp control. :D
I get that a bit, specially on low watts (20-30)

I typically run at the lower wattage and sacrifice the first hit, than all the ones after r fine. (Instead of the first being fine and all the ones after being too hot)

I know its not the 'fix', but it gets it to work
Hi folks,
I need help!!
I will make this as short as possible.
After a chest infection, this triggered reflux which has an impact on my throat.
My favourite juice was causing me problems. All of a sudden the vape was just too much for my throat to cope with. It was kinda choking me. using another juice at the same coil wraps and same wire and same coil diameter, I am fine. But I miss my favorite juice taste.
So I figured I'd play about with the coil. I'm a mtl vaper. I have tried play, so with 8 wraps on a 28mm stick, using 28/29mm round coil, it gives 0.9 ohms which seems fairly low after the 8 warps??????
I can handle the vape for my fave liquid BUT ... the taste is lost. it's lacking the flavour completely. I went on steam engine coil calculator and inputted my data and it said to do 2 wraps. Well that can't be right. haha
Any help appreciated. I miss my fave juice!!!!!
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