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Confused - ohms


Jul 27, 2015
i have been vaping for a few years now and currently love my dejavu rdta but I don’t like to vape too hot.

So looking for around 0.3 which I can run at around 50w.

So now my question. When building coils I thought more wire would increase the ohms so I tend to use 9 wraps on my flat wire and two of those gets me bang on but I have run out of wire. So I thought I would buy some Pre mades - looking on amazon it said they were 0.3 but the review said when you run as dual they go down to 0.15.

Could someone explain this without mentioning the law I have already forgotten and explain in English what more wraps does and dual coils does to the ohms.

Huge thanks!!
Dual coils halves the ohms. So ohms ÷ number of coils (2).
Dual coil = half the resistance. The coils are in parallel so resistance is split between the 2. To get higher ohm you can either use more wraps (increase length of wire) or use thinner gauge. The thinner the wire the quicker it heats up. Think of the electrons running on a 3 lane motorway (thick wire), cars can move quite freely. Now drop a lane & the traffic has to slow down to get through a narrower road (thinner wire). It's this effect that causes heat to be generated as the electrons try to squeeze through a smaller diameter.
Hope that makes sense.
With two coils, you're adding in another route for the electricity to take and therefore there is less resistance and with less resistance comes more current which uses more power.
Just tried Clapton wire 26ga + 32ga kanthan 9 wraps and get 0.6 but it’s a very heady hit which I don’t like - never really liked Clapton’s need too much watt and produce too much heat and very head. I like the flat wire but really looking for that sweet spot of not too hot, not too heady and does not drain the battery too much- the dejavu seems to prefer a longer coil so 9 wraps is the right physical length- help!!

I have some .2 pre made flat but they end up 0.01 and either don’t fire or drain the batter so quick.
Other problem I get with thin wire is it melts and don’t carry my stuff to make more coils just cotton and tweezers so have had to go back to an older device I carry with me
I'm FAR from an expert on coil building, but just a thought...
Have you tried spacing your coils? I usually use 6 wraps, dual coils, 28 gauge kanthal spaced and they come out at .6 ohms.
I don't totally understand the ohms side of things, but I'm running them very smoothly at 50w and it's a spot on vape
Other problem I get with thin wire is it melts and don’t carry my stuff to make more coils just cotton and tweezers so have had to go back to an older device I carry with me
Got to ask but what gauge & type of wire are you using that you're managing to melt, because that takes some serious wattage.

As a guide use Steamengine to calculate resistance.
i have been vaping for a few years now and currently love my dejavu rdta but I don’t like to vape too hot.

So looking for around 0.3 which I can run at around 50w.

So now my question. When building coils I thought more wire would increase the ohms so I tend to use 9 wraps on my flat wire and two of those gets me bang on but I have run out of wire. So I thought I would buy some Pre mades - looking on amazon it said they were 0.3 but the review said when you run as dual they go down to 0.15.

Could someone explain this without mentioning the law I have already forgotten and explain in English what more wraps does and dual coils does to the ohms.

Huge thanks!!

I'm not sure if I'm missing the point here.... but rather than worrying about the resistance and what might run at 50w .... you have a regulated mod, why not just alter the power? If it's 'too hot' turn the thing down. .... that's the beauty and advantage of using a regulated mod, there's no need to treat it like a mech.
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