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Constant dry hits

I think maybe part of my problem is I am using 26 gauge kanthal so to get around 0.7 its only 5 wraps, this in turn means that my coil does not sit completely over the to airholes. With say 24 gauge I could get more wraps in. Also with my current setup, my coil legs cannot be level with the posts because the coil isn't long enough. Until I get some 24 gauge it may be better for me to try a duel coil (yikes) which would enable me to have each coil at 8 wraps thus covering a wider distance. I hope that makes sense.

The reason I haven't done a duel is I wanted to get used to wicking a single first.
This is what I'm doing with it...

Those type of coils are way out of my league to make at the moment. I shall have another crack at it tomorrow and may even try a duel coil.
Those are premade coils from a UD carousel box bought from fasttech, all you do is fixthem in place, wick and vape...:D
Well tried again and the cotton burns straight away. As I said before I think maybe its because the coil isn't long enough to be inline with the 2 air hole posts and it burns as soon as I vape on it.
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