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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

In other news we're upto 949 new cases in the last 24hrs and another 49 dead.

I was looking at the stats from when this began back in March and it's raising in the same way it did about 2 weeks before lock down. Looks like it's coming up to Whack a mole season, get yur hammer oot Boris!
New cases are mirroring where we were 19-23th March, we know what happened then, close the pubs ffs.
New cases are mirroring where we were 19-23th March, we know what happened then, close the pubs ffs.
It was only the scottish figures I was looking at but I think it is about the same uk wide just now so national lockdown might be needed again. Should've been heading down south later today but cancelled it.
I thought Scotland was handling it so much better than England ! [emoji6]

i would still say they are, but opening the pubs was a mistake.

the SG message has been much clearer and unambiguous. we’ve no seen any of the madness as in the pictures from england in the media. more of the people here seem to have bought into it a lot more imo.

i’m not there biggest fan, mind, so i don’t think i’m being biased :)
i would still say they are, but opening the pubs was a mistake.

the SG message has been much clearer and unambiguous. we’ve no seen any of the madness as in the pictures from england in the media. more of the people here seem to have bought into it a lot more imo.

i’m not there biggest fan, mind, so i don’t think i’m being biased :)
Yeah, pubs opening is definitely a mistake although I understand it's people's jobs that will disappear if we don't open thing's up.
It's a difficult decision to make really. I don't envy the decision makers. Keep places closed = less spread of the virus but possible death through a crashed economy and poverty or open everywhere = economy picks up but virus spreads and kills people.

It's a hard choice. [emoji57]
pubs should have been one of the last things to open imo. the alcohol industry and pub trade has a lot of influence and lobbying power.
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