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Coronavirus UK Daily Statistics

I go into several of the largest UK pub chains in my line of work and have been in one or more every day this week.
I can tell you that in none of them the staff observe any form of social distancing.

Making sure the punters do though is normal and consistent in all of them so guess that's a plus.
So what made you go to the pub, no disrespect but thats why i moan, although rules got relaxed it was inevitable that anywhere that folks could gather ie Pubs, marches, restraunts where bound to start a rise in cases. So why not use your brains and stay at home, you have less chance of catching and spreading if you stay home. I am diabetic with other related disabilities which is why i have shielded until i came to my Moms. The risk for me is probably much higher than for you.
If you end up with covid then you might of wished you had stayed home instead, is alcohol really a good reason to go out, you could buy booze and sit in your own back garden and even have a few mates there.

I went to get back to a bit of normality. It's not just about alcohol, I go in with a mate sit at a table socially distanced from others. If it was crowded I wouldn't go, I leave my contact details in case anything was to happen and follow all the guidance so I see no issue there so I "used my brain" and decided that as long as the places I go to are following the guidelines and I don't behave like a moron then it's fine to go for a few pints. The places I've been that I don't believe are doing things right I left and won't go back.
R Rate climbs to 1

The government has announced that the reproduction rate (the R number) of the virus has climbed to up to 0.8 to 1.

The government’s Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (Sage) says it is not confident that the rate is below 1 in England.

It now stands at 0.8-1.0 in the UK as a whole. The growth rate range is 0% to -5% per day as of 7 August.

I went to get back to a bit of normality. It's not just about alcohol, I go in with a mate sit at a table socially distanced from others. If it was crowded I wouldn't go, I leave my contact details in case anything was to happen and follow all the guidance so I see no issue there so I "used my brain" and decided that as long as the places I go to are following the guidelines and I don't behave like a moron then it's fine to go for a few pints. The places I've been that I don't believe are doing things right I left and won't go back.

A bit of a lottery down here, the pub I tend to use is quite small,I go in with a mask on, order, then piss off outside and sit on the newly allowed table and chairs on the pavement. The people inside are bonkers, all up close and shit, the manageress tries to keep order, there is proper social distancing between tables, but the people at the tables are in each others laps and they're obviously not all from one household. Contact details are a given, no details, goodbye.

If you end up with covid then you might of wished you had stayed home instead, is alcohol really a good reason to go out, you could buy booze and sit in your own back garden and even have a few mates there.

If you drink real ale, like me, then yes, bottled beer is bollocks in comparison.
So what made you go to the pub, no disrespect but thats why i moan, although rules got relaxed it was inevitable that anywhere that folks could gather ie Pubs, marches, restraunts where bound to start a rise in cases. So why not use your brains and stay at home, you have less chance of catching and spreading if you stay home. I am diabetic with other related disabilities which is why i have shielded until i came to my Moms. The risk for me is probably much higher than for you.
If you end up with covid then you might of wished you had stayed home instead, is alcohol really a good reason to go out, you could buy booze and sit in your own back garden and even have a few mates there.

A bit OTT imo, I too would be at risk, but i respect the view of others that folk do need to have some form of normality. And as long as they do their best to prevent infection it's all you can ask. Personally i wont be in a pub anytime soon, but thats my decision.
R Rate climbs to 1

The government has announced that the reproduction rate (the R number) of the virus has climbed to up to 0.8 to 1.

The government’s Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (Sage) says it is not confident that the rate is below 1 in England.

It now stands at 0.8-1.0 in the UK as a whole. The growth rate range is 0% to -5% per day as of 7 August.

A bit of a lottery down here, the pub I tend to use is quite small,I go in with a mask on, order, then piss off outside and sit on the newly allowed table and chairs on the pavement. The people inside are bonkers, all up close and shit, the manageress tries to keep order, there is proper social distancing between tables, but the people at the tables are in each others laps and they're obviously not all from one household. Contact details are a given, no details, goodbye.

I went in to one before, may have mentioned it and they said contact details were optional. I just said in that case I'm leaving. They made a point of telling me I can absolutely leave mine and I said me leaving mine are useless if others don't and you are actively telling people they don't have to. They looked at me like I was being an arsehole, I was polite when I said it. I just wasn't happy being told it's an option.
I went in to one before, may have mentioned it and they said contact details were optional. I just said in that case I'm leaving. They made a point of telling me I can absolutely leave mine and I said me leaving mine are useless if others don't and you are actively telling people they don't have to. They looked at me like I was being an arsehole, I was polite when I said it. I just wasn't happy being told it's an option.

sturgeon just announced today they are making it mandatory, as opposed to just guidance.
This is why i say we live in a chav nation. Too many especially the under 40's are the ones causing the second wave which isn't a second wave it's the first wave being spread by folks gathering. If folks want to put lives at risk then maybe we need the army on the streets to get rid of those people. Fact is there are folks with ilness's and disabilities that the virus will kill. By being ignorant to advice it is unfair and selfish.
Gov advice has been contadictory to itself so thats no help either. The Gov have handled it badly, when they could have put other measures in place that would give folks no reason to go out and thus after a few weeks would have we could have been frre of the virus.
There is no excuse to march together celebrate together etc all these events prove that those attending protests are liars because by marching together they are proving that no lives matter.
If you don't like the rules then tough shit. All those who break the rules would you knowingly sleep with someone who is HIV positive and use no condoms?. The truth is they would run a mile, corona virus is similar, if you knew someone had Covid would you kiss them knowing you would catch it. Both diseases are unseeable killers so why take any risks, this is how stupid people actually are they just do not care.
Luckily for me i am somewhere there is no cases but Theres an alert due to A party on Malta which was held over 3 days and it was mainly young people that went, there has been a large rise in infections since. Under 40's should be banned from leaving the house, if not the virus will continue to live. There is enough proof out there to prove this .
Hey man, dont feel too bad, use this quaruntine time like they do in jail, ive been exercising and losing weight, trying to eat more healthy.

All these millennials (at least in america), have been sitting around, drinking beer and eating fast food, becoming fat and out of shape...and thats what really makes u high risk.

Hopefully it will kill them off, doubtful, but one can wish
9 months and counting in a wheelchair getting fat and out of shape, and dont I know it.:54:
Screw that man...sounds like u need to get that wheelchair on a treadmill and start workin yer upper body
Hey, im on a cane and halfway to a walker, after 10 or 20 minutes i do need a wheelchair...situps n pushups r my main exercises
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