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Yes, i do girl pushups using my knees, n sometimes cant do situps without grabbing my legs to help, but it works
I can't believe so many folks go places, ok you could be ok by following sensibility, the problem though is things like you only have to open a door handle, use a tap to wash your hands after the loo and the virus left by another is now on your hands, then onto your glass, bottle or can then the waiter picks it up. blah blah and its being passed round.
I know it's been a long time since normality and i understand some people are more patient than others but impatience leads to mistakes being made. At the end of the day i don't want anyone to suffer. I have spent 40 yearsof my life with type 1 diabetes and problems related to it. I could say i have been waiting 40 years for a cure, I could say due to my health i know what it is like to be really ill. I spent 4 months on a lung drain due to a Pneumonia that was an unknown strain when i was 13. I could hardly breathe My parents where told to prepare themselves for the worst as the hospitals could not kill off the infection. I luckily did manage to get better. Would i want anyone to suffer like that? no fucking way. Covid is similar maybe i had a early version of covid, who knows.
I also ended up with a slight curviture to my spine due to leaning one side due to the chest drain.
Covid may not kill everyone but it can affect you later. it can cause muti organ problems including Brains
It just isn't worth the risk for anyone.
I wish i could be as empathetic as u, and i hope this doesnt give me bad karma, but i REALLY hope trump gets it, lol

Edit: i appreciate he has sons and daughters and maybe even grandchildren who sincerely love him as a father and what not, but that man needs to be removed from public office by hook or by crook, but covid will do just fine
I can't believe so many folks go places, ok you could be ok by following sensibility, the problem though is things like you only have to open a door handle, use a tap to wash your hands after the loo and the virus left by another is now on your hands, then onto your glass, bottle or can then the waiter picks it up. blah blah and its being passed round..

We have to have some balance, we can't all stay indoors indefinitely. What are we going to do if there's no vaccine for a year... or two?
We have to have some balance, we can't all stay indoors indefinitely. What are we going to do if there's no vaccine for a year... or two?
What i find most laughable is calling our most disposable workers essential
Yeah, that girl at the mcdonalds drive thru is essential to handing me my burger, but if she dies from covid she can be replaced in under 2 minutes.

Its literally the time it takes to drag her body out of the way and put the headphons on the next worker
We have to have some balance, we can't all stay indoors indefinitely. What are we going to do if there's no vaccine for a year... or two?

open and close the pubs every few weeks, it seems? i don’t know, i think we’re looming towards further lockdown. it’s not looking great, really. maybe i’m pessimistic.
open and close the pubs every few weeks, it seems? i don’t know, i think we’re looming towards further lockdown. it’s not looking great, really. maybe i’m pessimistic.
Why is everyone so concerned about pubs? Im mean, of ALL the things to be worried about, pubs?

Is it the dartboards?
open and close the pubs every few weeks, it seems? i don’t know, i think we’re looming towards further lockdown. it’s not looking great, really. maybe i’m pessimistic.

Honestly, I think it's just something we'll have to learn to live with.... at least for a while. Like we do other viruses and illnesses. I'm pessimistic too. :D
Honestly, I think it's just something we'll have to learn to live with.... at least for a while. Like we do other viruses and illnesses. I'm pessimistic too. :D

i’ve always said pessimism is the greatest form of optimism.
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