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Covid-19: Patients 'want to wait for English vaccine' or what old car did you have

That's a Hillman Imp, they were a cracking little motor !!!
Coventry Climax engine, way ahead of its time, I used to know someone who had a Hillman Imp with a Rover V8 mid mounted, would wheel spin in top gear in the wet.
Heh, i remember 'le car's. They r probably collectors items now.
Same with yugo's im sure
Ahahaha :D funny that you remembered the Yugo ! You can still see those here in Serbia, especially in smaller towns and villages. It was car no 1 about 30 years ago. Some older people maintain an drive those as a matter of pride driving a domestic car. It is the crappiest car I drove. Couple of friends had it and also was the 'weapon of choice' for driving schools. I didn't want it and borrowed some money from my mom and bought Renault Twingo from above...
I’ve enjoyed seeing how far this thread has gone off the tracks :D

as far as i am aware they are selling it at no profit.

yeah they are, until the immediate pandemic is over at least. It's a 10th of the price of first one, $2 vs $20 - ish. It can also be very quickly altered for variants too if it needs to be apparently. I think it's the better option really, but at the moment we need all options available I guess.
That is a Renault Twingo. First model appeared in 1990 or something and also my first car that I bought as a young driver :)
Awesome and practical car. Short but wide with a lot of space in the front seats, not so much in the second and a tiny trunk. Comfort is incredible for a such a small car. One of the things that I remember is that my girlfriend at the time and I were going out and wanted to park in the city near the pub we wanted to go to. There was a guy with Ford focus trying to squeeze into really small spot but was not able to. I stopped little further and told my girlfriend to wait. He gave up and I parallel parked easily :)
The information provided is correct. But I strongly disagree with all :D
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