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Covid-19: Patients 'want to wait for English vaccine' or what old car did you have

Don't know what happened there, my laptop restarted while I was posting and put my reply inside the quote box !!! :hmm:
That Perkins engine was awesome.
She's not for you, Sluggs - let it go.

Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 12.28.51.png
I may be wrong but I wonder why no other country in the world has approved the astrazenica vaccine??? Maybe others have but I haven't heard of any... Are we getting a second rate vaccine just so one of Boris's chums can line their pockets???
I may be wrong but I wonder why no other country in the world has approved the astrazenica vaccine??? Maybe others have but I haven't heard of any... Are we getting a second rate vaccine just so one of Boris's chums can line their pockets???

Yes, you are wrong.

India and Mexico have approved.
Brazil has ordered 2 million because it expects to approve.
The EU is also expected to approve as I am sure many other countries will.

Different countries have different regulatory bodies that assess and approve different vaccines at different times. Simple as that.
Skippking the Covid topic and jumping into the new one


You´ll never know how much I hated that piece of shit.
That is one ugly ass car, lol
What is it?
That is a Renault Twingo. First model appeared in 1990 or something and also my first car that I bought as a young driver :)
Awesome and practical car. Short but wide with a lot of space in the front seats, not so much in the second and a tiny trunk. Comfort is incredible for a such a small car. One of the things that I remember is that my girlfriend at the time and I were going out and wanted to park in the city near the pub we wanted to go to. There was a guy with Ford focus trying to squeeze into really small spot but was not able to. I stopped little further and told my girlfriend to wait. He gave up and I parallel parked easily :)
Heh, i remember 'le car's. They r probably collectors items now.
Same with yugo's im sure
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