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DIYers do you still buy readymade juice?

I mix my own, but I enter giveaways from any of the e-juice manufacturers, and so every couple of months, I'll have something new to try - and if I like it, then I'll go on a mixing spree to see if I can replicate it - and that keeps me happy and busy until the next win arrives! I don't appreciate being asked to pay £X for something I can mix for pennies - and the more pennies I save, the more new tanks and mods I can accumulate!
I diy mostly but I'm happy to support our very own apes who start out commercially.
I started DIYing at the same time as I started vaping, just over a year ago and have only bought juice once, which was 3 different Manabush juices.
Lol, I've been meaning to ask this question for a while! I'm looking forward to starting DIYing but I don't know how I'll resist the urge to try all the juices when a discount code shows up..!
I have about 3.5 litres of DIY juice in the cupboard, but I still like buying the odd bottle as a night time treat.
Generally no, the first ones I bought in about 4 months of DIY was when Chuffstuff had a cracking offer on. Their complete range, 300ml for £36 delivered. Couldn't resist trying at that price.
I have a £45 subscription with vapeabox I alternate it a day on the diy next day on the ready made. Keep meaning to try a few more vendors out its handy having a bit of ready made knocking around for when the diy goes tits up:D
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