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DIYers do you still buy readymade juice?

Make most of my liquid but I still purchase liquid sometimes.
Similar to the great comparison earlier.
Sometimes I do eat out mainly to see what is out there and for research into my own flavours.
my only bought juice is some @manabush (when on offer) which at the moment is reserved for the heron only on Friday nights, so it lasts a long time.... oh its Friday woohooo.
If they ever get round to doing concentrates it would be more often;)
I only have 1 real recipe that I like to mix, so I still buy juice occasionally. I plan to go full DIY in the next month or so.
I think all DIYers need to buy juice from time to time to learn new things about tastes etc.
Sometimes i buy premade juices but only to modify them(im talking about cheap juices).Many of these are good starting point in diy.
I DIY my own + buy new juices. Simply to try them.
I'm not a fan of all of these fancy "Premium" liquids that have a name like "CLACKACHUCK" or "NEVERLANDS" with description like "You have never tried anything like this before, pleasant everyday vape experience guaranteed"...fuck... what is in it? grrrr.
my ADV are DIY but a do like a treat vape now and again, just got a Kayfun Mini V3 so popped to a quality B&M for something a little special... Decoded Big Foot (mini doughnuts)... very nice
My ADV is also mainly DIY juices but occassionally I will treat myself to something ready made.
Even as a manufacturer I still buy other juices, there are so many different tastes and spins on flavour combinations, personally I think its like sitting in the food quarter of Camden eating your pack lunch without sampling the delights on offer not to
I DIY my own + buy new juices. Simply to try them.
I'm not a fan of all of these fancy "Premium" liquids that have a name like "CLACKACHUCK" or "NEVERLANDS" with description like "You have never tried anything like this before, pleasant everyday vape experience guaranteed"...fuck... what is in it? grrrr.
...and with our special secret ingredient you will discover.....ah shit....koolada.
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