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Do you reuse coils? Choice of cleaning methods?


Dec 4, 2016
What's your opinion on : Do you reuse coils? Choice of cleaning methods?

I use these for my Endura T22, not that expensive I know, however, it would be interesting to get some feedback from the more experienced users of POTV.
I am aware that once 'cleaned' they won't perform 100% as good as the new ones, anyhow, reading different cleaning methods, so if you got a few of them laying about,
this below seems one of the better ones. But like I've said I am almost clueless

'Use 99% isopropyl alcohol, soak them for a day at least, give a little shake, take them out and soak them in fresh iso again, and not wash off with water, just let them take them out, let them evap overnight, then put them on some kind of hot plate or in the oven on low. No iso will be left, you don't want any water to touch the coils(oxidation, residue from non reverse osmosis filtered water)'.

Cheers Marcus
I don't know that particular coil, but I went from soaking my used coils to blasting them in an ultrasonic cleaner, which wasn't great, eventually I learnt to rebuild the coils which actually works a lot better, not perfect as to pack the cotton tight is the tough bit, but a lot better than any cleaning process, at the moment I mainly use rtas and rdas, so use these rebuilt stock coils for random juices.
The isopropyl alcohol way of cleaning I would be wary of, as it's not a good thing to be vaping and how would you know all traces have gone?
I just replace mine if they are getting flavourless, mine last about a week in my cleito but I personally think if you clean them they won't be as good as a new one so don't bother
Probably not the advice that you're searching for but why don't you look at building your own coils?

Loads of stuff on youtube and we here on POTV will help the best we can.

It opens up so many avenues to you.

If I can do it anyone can m8, honestly.

I'm not saying that I'm experienced in the coil build field but can get by and I reckon by the time you've faffed about cleaning and the likes for a few days extra vaping I could build and install a coil.


I tried cleaning a few early on and it didn't end well. As said above, by the time you've fannied around cleaning you may as well rebuild.

A coil a week at £1-£3 each (depending on the tank) is for me an acceptable outlay. Still dirt cheap compared to the stinkies.
Had a quick look at these coils and rebuilding looks a little tricky, but still have a go as you don't have anything to lose, another option is to find a cheaper supplier, maybe even bulk from China
Thank you mates for the advice, as always most welcome.
A coil a week at £1-£3 each (depending on the tank) is for me an acceptable outlay. Still dirt cheap compared to the stinkies.
Yeah I know, only that right now I have about 25+ flavours that I've bought to try out and don't want to throw the coil away after a couple of puffs for each flavour, that's if cleaning was easy and worked faily quickly.

Cheers Marcus
Every time I have washed a rebuildable deck or dripper I noticed the colour/ juice washes out of the wick material fairly quickly.
I have about 15 crown 2 coils that I tried a flavour, changed a coil, tried another and changed another so I put them in boiling water twice, soaked and dried on a radiator.
They'll work ok with strong flavours I'm sure.
A cheap dripper is ideal for testing flavours, a quick clean and rewick between juices and you're good to go.
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