By a weird happenstance “Mr” Kipling’s first name is in fact FuckballsCuntbatHave you tried the cakes made by Mr. Kipling or only the ones his minions make and stick in boxes?
I went to school with his brother Ranyard
They are indeedMr teatimes bread recipes are legendary
indeed I have, and in fact he is a close personal friend
A viscous rumour put about by anti jungle book activistsRudyard? Didn’t he pass away?
A viscous rumour
A viscous rumour put about by anti jungle book activists
Just because you have an ISO7 clean room, use TPD compliant flavourings and offer juice cheap doesn’t make it any less wimpy burger like or am I missing something?
That’s like me buying top of the range plumbing equipment, offering my plumbing services to people for £5 an hour and expecting for them to be happy when they’re house is underwater when in reality I’m a shit plumber?
Have you tried any of our shortfills before you judge me?