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Dripping on a 306

Some people take pliers and pull off the mesh 'bridge' (assuming it is bridged in the first place as some aren't) personally I have found no purpose in doing that but its a preference thing. Some say by doing that the flavour is better. I've noticed no difference personally . Taking the bridge off means there is greater risk of spitting juice. Again some say it makes no difference.

Cleaning? Well between flavours I might take it off the device and blow it clean, re attach and drip n Vape. After a while it can get gunked up like any other atty. ill remove it and soak it overnight in a cheap vodka. Blow it out. Dry burn pulse for a few mins then good to go.
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Yep, I "debridged" my 306 drippers.

The siam mods dt's for the 306 are a bit tight so you are going to want to "juice up " the o-ring on the inside and use a mod with a solid 510 connection in order to remove the 306 from the dt.

I use my dripper for new flavours, run it under hot water and bobs your uncle.

Cinnamon and anything floral will require a vodka bath to even come close to removing their leftover flavourings BLEH!
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