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Dvarw MTL wicking

It really depends. Fluffing out the cotton is a good general rule, but the "sugar" content is like McDonald's; hidden like a ninja.
I don’t deliberately fluff it in any of my tanks these days. I don’t think fluffing it improves anything in the low power realm. I may be wrong about this, mind.
I don’t deliberately fluff it in any of my tanks these days. I don’t think fluffing it improves anything in the low power realm. I may be wrong about this, mind.

Good. Lots of options. This is why I like vaping. (I'm not joking). I tried lots of setups and coils and wicking, and I'm still not done. I've changed my style 3 times over four years. Some people found what they like after a month. It's an open hobby.[emoji3] [emoji3] [emoji3]
Take a look at the wicking vid on the dwarv thread in the connoisseurs club
Take a look at the wicking vid on the dwarv thread in the connoisseurs club
Not a lot of details or photos... one person swears by 2mm coil and another by 3mm.
One says use a lot less cotton than expected, this video shows a lot more than I use.
I will try following the video with my next build.

what works for me is: 2mm spaces coil, less cotton than you think it needs, put the collar on the deck and cut the cotton flush with the top then tuck it down to the liquid holes, so the wick is running perfectly straight right across. Don’t fan it or fluff it out at all. And you can have a little protruding out the holes, if it pleases you. Good luck with it, hope you get in better this time!
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I don’t deliberately fluff it in any of my tanks these days. I don’t think fluffing it improves anything in the low power realm. I may be wrong about this, mind.
I don't know what cotton I use but it seems to be in pads and not at all fluffy, so I try to fluff it a little but it doesn't help much.
I do it like @instantlady video, works for me, I reckon the one saying to keep it short is @zouzounaki , please bear in mind, he likes his bollox floating in a sea of leaking eliquid mostly :P
It’s worth getting some different cotton and trying to find one that suits the atty, muji seems to be a favourite for MTL, i hate wicking.
The coil and two time I needed to rewick.
I’d give it a go with a thicker bit of cotton, looks a bit too thin? Sagging when it’s juiced, keep it off the floor of the deck under the coil as much as possible, hard to describe
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