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E-cigarettes being sold in prison shops in smoking ban pilot

Stick 'em in solitary and give em fuck all, bread and water twice a day and a hole in the ground to shit in,
If people don't like prison then they shouldn't commit crime.

Prison should be a deterrent not a fucking hotel.

you are of course correct, Prison SHOULD be a deterrent, and the deterrent SHOULD be a place to learn from ones mistake, what you suggest above would do the precise exact opposite to that and just create for want of a better word a sociopathic lunatic that on release would stand a very good chance of causing serious injury to anything within arms or weapons reach .

Don Grant, a forensic psychiatrist formerly with the Queensland Community Forensic Mental Health Service, says these psychological effects are the result of: social isolation, which can lead to further withdrawal; boredom and sensory deprivation, which cause brain activity to slow; and a lack of control with no personal autonomy, which may lead to a loss of self-reliance and dysfunction in social situations when an inmate is released.
Long-term isolation with a lack of physical activity, social interaction and visual stimulation has been shown to lead to depression and stress, and a change in brain structures as a consequence. In particular, the hippocampus, the part of the brain used in memory and decision-making, shrinks dramatically in the brains of people who are depressed or stressed for extended periods. There is also evidence that the longer people remain depressed and untreated, the more their hippocampus shrinks, and they have difficulty controlling stress and their emotions
15 days is the limit (in solitary Isolation) after which irreversible harmful psychological effects can occur

You may want to rethink your more radical thought patterns to one that TRIES at least to help offenders rather than create worse problems for society as a whole, as an ex MP i put enough offenders in these establishments to warrant my place in Hell to their minds at the time, but more than a few actually thanked me on release because being in Prison actually helped educate them to a level they were able to interact fully with Society, not everyone can be helped and in some cases I believe release should not ever be offered (sex offenders, murderers etc etc) but a lot need a pointer in the right direction that for some reason they were unable to get before they were sentenced.

These are my personal views both as an Ex Military Policeman and a Human being, it may not reflect the views of the other Moderators and or Admins of PoTV nor indeed of anyone else in this internet based webpage.
When i was a kid and me or my brother used to do something wrong my dad used to give us both a thrashing, that way he knew he'd got the culprit.

Can't be namby pamby in today's society, a few innocents may be caught but for the greater good if it deters real criminals.

And it obviously did you no harm, I find the power of your logic compelling.
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