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E-mail From E-liquids - Ban Disposables

Very worrying as Vapesstores website has UK slapped all over it yet half if not more of the bloody disposable on there are illegal.
We’ve debated endlessly here which measures are best utilized to deter the use of disposables, iow where do we draw the line :hmm: This is also the subject of many wasted hours in Whitehall and Parliament. However, as with most societal questions, the vast majority clearly know when that line is crossed :11: Pikachu indeed…

Here in Norway, it is illegal to publicly advertise products for children. Though difficult to enforce, perhaps a similar law could be adopted regarding the design of all products dangerous to young people. Additionally, all tobacco here is generically packaged, and this has at least halted that discussion. And if we really want to “nudge” both adults and young people towards a healthier lifestyle, what about generically packaged candy, alcohol, and coffee. We could ban advertising altogether, paint all the pubs and cafes gray, tax our disposable incomes till we can’t afford any form for decadence, and make everyone take public transport…

Oops, went a bit too far there, sounds like the USSR :56: It’s just so damn easy to slide down that slippery slope :18:

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What's wrong with the USSR? Just ask all the Ukrainians, the Polish and the Latvians what a wonderfull time they all had under the protection of all those beautifull people in the Kremlin.

:vom: . . . . :rofl:
Most of the measures are there but they`re vastly underfunded so some people go over and beyond, classic overkill.
We’ve debated endlessly here which measures are best utilized to deter the use of disposables, iow where do we draw the line :hmm: This is also the subject of many wasted hours in Whitehall and Parliament. However, as with most societal questions, the vast majority clearly know when that line is crossed :11: Pikachu indeed…

Here in Norway, it is illegal to publicly advertise products for children. Though difficult to enforce, perhaps a similar law could be adopted regarding the design of all products dangerous to young people. Additionally, all tobacco here is generically packaged, and this has at least halted that discussion. And if we really want to “nudge” both adults and young people towards a healthier lifestyle, what about generically packaged candy, alcohol, and coffee. We could ban advertising altogether, paint all the pubs and cafes gray, tax our disposable incomes till we can’t afford any form for decadence, and make everyone take public transport…

Oops, went a bit too far there, sounds like the USSR :56: It’s just so damn easy to slide down that slippery slope :18:


i don’t think the aesthetic preferences of stalinism were the problem tbh. i would quite like an external world free of advertising. it’s insidious.
i don’t think the aesthetic preferences of stalinism were the problem tbh. i would quite like an external world free of advertising. it’s insidious.


I don't know if it's my age but it seems the older I get the more advertising bothers me. My partners Grandmother used to hit the mute button during every ad break and it used to annoy me. I'd be thinking 'why bother' ... but now they annoy me so much it's one of the main reasons I barely watch anything on TV, as soon as there's an ad-break I just want to get up and do something else. So many times I've watched the start of something, got sick of the ad-breaks and just thought 'I can't be bothered with this' :18:
We’ve debated endlessly here which measures are best utilized to deter the use of disposables, iow where do we draw the line :hmm:

We did, but everyone's line is in a different place. I mean, I know where my line is/was and I drew it in thick marker pen a long time ago.

At this point we are just debating for fun here, we are so far down the path I don't think there's any way to 'deter use' of them. I think it's insane that we've got to the point where banning them is seemingly the only option.

... and generally speaking I don't agree with banning things, but what do I know? I didn't think they would even be accepted as a viable option for people. I remember when Dinner Lady first had theirs and most people here (which was a lot of people at that time) thought they were pretty shit, but might be handy if your vape packed up while you were out or something.. like an emergency vape type-thing that you might buy once or twice.

I know the answer is always 'money' I'm not that naive... but how we got to here and now is still quite surprising to me if I'm honest. It doesn't feel 'natural' in any way.
-It doesn't feel 'natural' in any way.

what I mean is... go back 5 years and many people wouldn't even by a mod with a battery that wasn't replaceable. Nobody wanted a fully disposable vape, it would have been laughable to even suggest such a product.

But somehow they really took off.... I don't get it. Am I completely out of touch or is something else going on?
-It doesn't feel 'natural' in any way.

what I mean is... go back 5 years and many people wouldn't even by a mod with a battery that wasn't replaceable. Nobody wanted a fully disposable vape, it would have been laughable to even suggest such a product.

But somehow they really took off.... I don't get it. Am I completely out of touch or is something else going on?

Need to hope there is nothing else going on, because if a ban doesn't work, the manufactures find a workaround and the kids continue to vape, then they will most definitely come after flavours with a ban....and we have no argument whatsoever....none, because the kids are getting addicted to flavoured nicotine.
They could have went for heavy restrictions on sellers, but it seems nobody including the vaping community supports that....so a ban it is...leaving the door wide open
-It doesn't feel 'natural' in any way.

what I mean is... go back 5 years and many people wouldn't even by a mod with a battery that wasn't replaceable. Nobody wanted a fully disposable vape, it would have been laughable to even suggest such a product.

But somehow they really took off.... I don't get it. Am I completely out of touch or is something else going on?

i think the truth is that a lot of them, or maybe even the majority of them, are being used by schoolies and youngsters, students etc. for schoolies, they have the ultimate selling point.
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