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E-mail From E-liquids - Ban Disposables

Just another load of shit to deal with.... so far in my time vaping we've had:

E-liquid being made in baths, sheds and filthy conditions scandals
People blowing holes in their faces/legs/ceilings with mech mods and/or fake batteries
TPD (the good and the bad)
Small UK e-liquid manufacturers going out of business
(and a load of other toss I must have forgotten)

..... there's always something going on. It's really quite staggering how many times people can try to fuck everything up.

and even now we can’t see what’s in front of our eyes, and come to the defence of this shite with stories of van drivers and old ladies with arthritis, and ideas of putting taxes on vape products. madness.
Whenever anyone mentions popcorn lung & vaping (had a customer today), I told them that's it's not even misinformation, it's complete BS, and tell them that Cancer Research UK have even dedicated a page to it -
Does vaping cause popcorn lung?
  • E-cigarettes don’t cause the lung condition known as popcorn lung
  • There have been no confirmed cases of popcorn lung reported in people who use e-cigarettes
it’s got much worse the last year or so. i had smokers outside work a couple of weeks ago talking about popcorn lung and how much of a terrible cough and sore chest reaction they get from vaping, after trying a few disposables. they were convinced, it’s deadly, really bad for you.

Mate, seriously..... just a few months back an acquaintance of mine (not really a friend, but someone I get on with and deal with quite often in some way) tried to tell me a mate of his got popcorn lung from vaping for a year and had gone back to smoking. I tried to tell him he was being ridiculous and told him the facts about diacetyl but he actually got quite angry with me so I gave up... seriously I can't even be arsed any more.
that all this shit is becoming popular opinion again demonstrates the power of media propaganda.
I think I mentioned on here that the daughter (about 11-13) of a customer said that they had been taught in school that vaping can cause popcorn lung...

All we can do (and I do, being in the advantageous position of actually selling e-cigs) is try to counter the lies and negative vape propaganda.
Just another load of shit to deal with.... so far in my time vaping we've had:

E-liquid being made in baths, sheds and filthy conditions scandals
People blowing holes in their faces/legs/ceilings with mech mods and/or fake batteries
TPD (the good and the bad)
Small UK e-liquid manufacturers going out of business
(and a load of other toss I must have forgotten)

..... there's always something going on. It's really quite staggering how many times people can try to fuck everything up.

I doubt vaping will ever be seen in a positive light...whit's that in your vape?... key lime pie, why did you smoke key lime pie....naw but....ah fk it nae point:)
I doubt vaping will ever be seen in a positive light...whit's that in your vape?... key lime pie, why did you smoke key lime pie....naw but....ah fk it nae point:)

for a wee while it seemed it was getting better, the last year or two things have got noticeably worse imo.

but strangely more folk i know have taken to vaping during that time.
oh, the one I forgot was obviously the 'cartoon characters' etc .. Pokemon vape kits and all that shit a few years back.

Peeps on here giving it all the "It's not only kids that like Pokemon' ..... :doh:
for a wee while it seemed it was getting better, the last year or two things have got noticeably worse imo.

but strangely more folk i know have taken to vaping during that time.

It does feel that way.... in 2019 it felt that vaping was getting pretty positive, there was shit happening over in the US but here it all seemed pretty good.
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