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e-pipe wonders

Do ya know....it just occurred to me a few moments ago to check to see if Paetersham did replacement parts, so have spotted that. I'm gonna try using a 1.8 ohm coil in my Nautilus 2 tank, just to check first that I haven't just bought another pack of crap coils...which I must admit...the QC on them is widely varying at best. I get my Aspire BVC 1.8 coils packs from Ebay for around £7 a pack of 5, so i'm wondering if i'm being conned with fakes? I use the same vendor, and his feedback is very good, so I don't think that's the case.

Get your coils form wholesalecoils
Am fine. Had a brief wobble for 2 weeks with panic attacks. Turns out too much caffeine was setting them off. All good now

Now that's odd..cos I've had that too recently. This head cold I've got developed some weird anxiety thing last week….meaning I couldn't rest relax or sleep for three days in a row. I had to see my doc and get a week's worth of Diazepam to calm me down, cut out the caffeine too......all I can say..it's been a weird year!

It's like that phrase about buses....I seem to have had a whole companies worth arrive at my door, this year! :D

Is Jackie still posting on these days still? And Iqon? And the obiwonvaponi chap too?

Blimey! They're cheaper than the vendor I get them from on Ebay! Thanks for that, have saved the page...i'll try them next.

Edit: Ha! I've just noticed the supplier name on that site Rew...ejuicy….he's the guy I get them from on Ebay!!!!! Bit cheeky that he charges more on Ebay from 'em though..must be cos of the site's fees, I spose.
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Now that's odd..cos I've had that too recently. This head cold I've got developed some weird anxiety thing last week….meaning I couldn't rest relax or sleep for three days in a row. I had to see my doc and get a week's worth of Diazepam to calm me down, cut out the caffeine too......all I can say..it's been a weird year!

It's like that phrase about buses....I seem to have had a whole companies worth arrive at my door, this year! :D

Is Jackie still posting on these days still? And Iqon? And the obiwonvaponi chap too?

Obi and Iqon are. Jacky not so much. Her health seems to have deteriorated a bit. She did resurface about a week or so ago.
Obi and Iqon are. Jacky not so much. Her health seems to have deteriorated a bit. She did resurface about a week or so ago.

Ah, that's a shame...so she's going through the wars as well then. She did smoke quite a lot before she quit, about 50 a day if I recall....i'll send her a message, she how she is.

I'll have to reacquaint myself with the other 'March gang' folks again!
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Hi Rew, yeh a case of sod's law it would seem....having been fine until I finally quit the stinkies...then me body decided to throw me several wobblies! So far I've had 3 strokes, a blood clot removed from me left lung, been put on blood thinners..and then there were other non medical calamities to deal with this year. Quite frankly, i'm amazed i'm still here in the land of the living! I'm through the worst of it now...docs think i'll recover in time..but it's a long haul jobbie. I think....I may have just quit the fags in the nick of time..as the docs think the smoking was partly to blame for my poor health of late.....funny how these things come about, isn't it! Oh..and to put a cherry on it....I've got a sodding cold too! But I have got my eyes fixed anyway! And me bank balance is looking much healthy these days..so...yeah..a mixed year for me!

How things with you Rew?
Bloody hell Dunc, you don't do things by half do you! Glad you're over the worst of it, and great to see you back! And you can see again too :D
Bloody hell Dunc, you don't do things by half do you! Glad you're over the worst of it, and great to see you back! And you can see again too :D

Heya Stevo, how things mate?

Well..the first 43 years of my life ran swimmingly fine mate..then all the 4s came along and knocked me off my perch, so to speak! My docs have assured me that I will live to see number 45 and beyond..I hope!

How are you Stevo?
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Hi @Deaf Vaper good to see you again, I'm glad you're on the mend. :10:

I'm still using my Kamry K1000 Plus, not had any issues with it. He's a good bloke at Petersham Pipes, might be worth geting in contact and asking him before/whilst you get another bowl (which is probably a good idea even just as a spare). He tends to only sell stuff he really knows about, so he might have some good advice.
The treachery of images...

Hi @Deaf Vaper good to see you again, I'm glad you're on the mend. :10:

I'm still using my Kamry K1000 Plus, not had any issues with it. He's a good bloke at Petersham Pipes, might be worth geting in contact and asking him before/whilst you get another bowl (which is probably a good idea even just as a spare). He tends to only sell stuff he really knows about, so he might have some good advice.

Hiya Crewella! Thanks for good wishes, hope you're well too?

I had thought of contacting him...but haven't found an email addy yet. I won't get the replacement bowl just yet, as I need to check out whether it's just naff coils again..which wouldn't surprise me...but if it's not that..then it'll be something wrong with the chip I guess. I'm wondering dropping it on the floor has damaged it, although that was some months ago and it has worked fine since, till now.

Just wondering though, if he'll just say I shouldn't be using the Nautilus tank on it, as that's not the tank it came with though? Or does that not matter? I'm not very techy..so I've no idea how these chips work anyhow.
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