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ECITA BLOG: Impact of the TPD on the market

the TPD was clearly written up by these idiots who actually know nothing about the industry or the products they're talking about - "Tampering" is to me defined as taking something apart which isn't supposed to be taken apart and RBA's to me don't fall under that category as like others have said they are supposed to be taken apart and put together - the truly sad thing is that if this comes into place the vendors side of the industry will die off not to mention the mod makers.
I am still waiting to see the TPD mention drippers, or someone interprete these moronic regulations to include them.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
As I posted on that blog, when we can go into a head shop and buy a bong that has no EU or UK standards imposed on it, what earthly justification is there for interfering with the hardware.
I can see how they came to want to apply regulations on juice (even if I don't agree with them), but regulating any of the hardware is absolutely unjustifiable when one can legally buy an array of drug paraphernalia without any state interference.

Are they really going to legislate against a glass tank, coil and silica wick? Are these things going to be illegal when purchased separately, or just when put together in a specific arrangement? Mods? How much does a mod or Ego twist differ from any other battery unit to power any number of other things?

I tend to agree that the blog offers "worst case scenario" and that no state will even try to impose such extreme restrictions - and no state could even begin to attempt to - there are more holes in this legislation than a swiss cheese.
So if I've got this right, taking into account all the different views, here and else where.
The so called idiots, that supposedly know nothing about the subject. Are trying very cleverly to kill off all 2nd gen. and above e-cigs, in all the different forms. By making it almost impossible to make anything that does not look like a cigarette.
And as we can clearly see, sneaking med. regs. in by the back door.
I've lost the link to the info., but you can have 45mg lookylikes, as long as it passes the regs. and you declare it IS a quit aide. You may also, have the same prescribed by a doctor, along with other NRT.
But in reality all we will be left with is a lookylike that is c..p. Assuming the makers of said c..p can get them past the regs.

The biggest problem with e-cigs is, they work to well in their current form, as we all know. And the loss of revenue to the obvious is already huge. And growing constantly.
The biggest issue for the TPD is time. Hence the reason they pushed it through so quickly.
I understand that the TPD has been on the cards for about 18 months (I think), But they have only been really pushing for the last 5 or 6 months. The reason being, the massive uptake in the last year. Time has now ran out for them, they need to act now, before smoking is wiped out completely.
When e-cigs, becomes the norm. instead of smoking,(which slowly but surely it is) they're stuffed, and they know it.

The e-cigs regs. aren't silly, they are of purpose design, to keep the cash coming, without an outright ban. As they wouldn't dare do an outright ban. That would be political suicide.
I'm not even going to read it all because it's clear early on that this can not be enforced. It's just too full of holes. Battery tubes could be for a light bulb, batteries themselves are for a lightbulb in a push bike lamp. Rebuildables could be for vaping nic free products & could have it stated on the packaging. there are just far too many variables & they don't know the half of it. When they start to kill business they will hear the noise it makes.

If you ask me, the big wigs are fighting a losing battle & they'll never stop the rising of the vapers. They will only drive us to other ways of achieving the same goal. Tobacco will slowly dwindle into small minority groups over a long period of time, anti smokers/vapers will get their noses rubbed in the dirt because the truth will rise & their arguments will carry less weight. The pharma twats will be exposed as corrupt & as people become more educated & realize they have been lied to about almost everything, they will not want to be suckered any more.

Just a matter of time.
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