So if I've got this right, taking into account all the different views, here and else where.
The so called idiots, that supposedly know nothing about the subject. Are trying very cleverly to kill off all 2nd gen. and above e-cigs, in all the different forms. By making it almost impossible to make anything that does not look like a cigarette.
And as we can clearly see, sneaking med. regs. in by the back door.
I've lost the link to the info., but you can have 45mg lookylikes, as long as it passes the regs. and you declare it IS a quit aide. You may also, have the same prescribed by a doctor, along with other NRT.
But in reality all we will be left with is a lookylike that is c..p. Assuming the makers of said c..p can get them past the regs.
The biggest problem with e-cigs is, they work to well in their current form, as we all know. And the loss of revenue to the obvious is already huge. And growing constantly.
The biggest issue for the TPD is time. Hence the reason they pushed it through so quickly.
I understand that the TPD has been on the cards for about 18 months (I think), But they have only been really pushing for the last 5 or 6 months. The reason being, the massive uptake in the last year. Time has now ran out for them, they need to act now, before smoking is wiped out completely.
When e-cigs, becomes the norm. instead of smoking,(which slowly but surely it is) they're stuffed, and they know it.
The e-cigs regs. aren't silly, they are of purpose design, to keep the cash coming, without an outright ban. As they wouldn't dare do an outright ban. That would be political suicide.