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evod tasteless should I rewick?

No I understand that, I think will just keep them for spares and menthol as that's the only flavour it works with.
At the moment I have the batteries that came with my evod and pro tank mini and an evod twist vv.

The iclear 16's will work fine on those batteries. Up to you I suppose if you want the MVP. It would offer you a long battery life and VV/VW.

It all depends if you feel you need one. They are £35.99 from myepack that's where I got mine.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
That's where I have bought all my kit from. The long battery life is the draw of the MVP for me.
So soap I take that as a recommendation then?

Serves me perfectly. I wish I'd gotten this setup when I first started vaping. I wasted so much money at first.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
When buying new heads what ohm should I be looking at?

I'd get the 2.1's myself for use with the MVP or the 1.5's if you are going to use them on your current setup.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Your standard batteries will work with the 2.1's as well. For those times you don't want to be carrying the larger MVP around. So I suppose if you want to keep things simple stick with the 2.1's.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
@Solarnotts did you use any flavour wicks with this set up or just replaced the wick in the coil and removed the factory wicks altogether?
thanks :)

I sorted my protank heads the other night, there the same in the evods aren't they?

I took out the wicks that came with it, dry burned the coil and added some cotton wool through the coil.

Tastes amazing and plenty of vapour, I did it too all my Langer heads!
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