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Fasttech delivery stages

I google translated my FT order into Chinese, they appreciated that :D Fuck knows why they have sent a Sweet and Sour chicken though.
Order Placed:
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Order Number: A100392084
Order Total: $34.62
All shipments are processed.

Item No.Posting DateStatus DateStatus Description
RQ217382587SG21-10-201321-10-2013Despatched to overseas (Country code: GB)
so took them 17 days to actually post, and missing somewhere between there and here for 5 weeks+
and there reply. oh it had liquid in so we are waiting for it to return before we refund you. what part of lost /missing / gone to meet ts maker/ pushing up the daisies/ this is an EX order and has feckin snuffed it.. dont they understand?
Order Placed:
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Order Number: A100392084
Order Total: $34.62
All shipments are processed.

Item No.Posting DateStatus DateStatus Description
RQ217382587SG21-10-201321-10-2013Despatched to overseas (Country code: GB)
so took them 17 days to actually post, and missing somewhere between there and here for 5 weeks+
and there reply. oh it had liquid in so we are waiting for it to return before we refund you. what part of lost /missing / gone to meet ts maker/ pushing up the daisies/ this is an EX order and has feckin snuffed it.. dont they understand?

I would only have waited 40 days and at that point fired off a PayPal dispute to cover my arse.
i did, and pp are still holding ut and investigating. shows they have emailed ft and been sent the tracking number so now its just ground to a halt with pp not doing anything even though ive chased them up half a dozen times.. bloody frustrating to say the least
Ah good job. If the dispute is already in place it is surely up to FT to show after a specific period of time that it has been delivered or PP will just refund. Frustrating though.

More frustrating for me is that I bought a TaiFun GT clone with a 3 day wait 13 days ago. shipping date well and truly passed and now its restocking (as are both my nerms and my kraken and some other bits) however, they HAVE just shipped my TaiFun GT steel tank that was ships in 10 days (bought only 2 days ago) so got the tank but no atty.. meh.

I waited as long as I have and avoided FT but both the nem's and the TaiFun drew me in eventually, wish I hadn't bothered now
Ah good job. If the dispute is already in place it is surely up to FT to show after a specific period of time that it has been delivered or PP will just refund. Frustrating though.

More frustrating for me is that I bought a TaiFun GT clone with a 3 day wait 13 days ago. shipping date well and truly passed and now its restocking (as are both my nerms and my kraken and some other bits) however, they HAVE just shipped my TaiFun GT steel tank that was ships in 10 days (bought only 2 days ago) so got the tank but no atty.. meh.

I waited as long as I have and avoided FT but both the nem's and the TaiFun drew me in eventually, wish I hadn't bothered now

That taifun for the price is worth the wait received mine today and is working great on the first build :)
I asked F/T where my missing orders were,got a reply stating it was shipped next day and I had to wait 30 days as I hadn't used tracking. I responded saying that as I'd already waited 49 days before asking them about it,what waiting time should I have used. Got an email apologising but could I confirm my address was correct. I have done,and now the items might get re-sent or more likely they'll ask at whichever postal service they used to look for it which will require me waiting another fucking 60+ days for a response. Please POTV,can you block my access to any F/T threads so I'm not tempted to order again? Lol

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
You know My FT package has been at Heathrow for 11 days - me thinks they x-rayed it, thought the chi was a battery and sent it back.

Speculation City Arizona !
wish people would stop ordering battery's and e liquid from fasttech!

and you wonder why you never get your package
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