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Favourite mechanical mods

I'm loving my two continuous current mods. The jux and the Manhattan v2.
The jux has become my everyday go to mod, topped with the Bmi goldie :-)
My favorite little mechanical mod is Vapor Giant Mini (mod, serial No. 531 + glass tank 5ml capacity) both authentic

Vapor Giant Mini_mod.jpg
Ugh, You have an amazing collection @Rob wish I could get my head around them! The search for a mech looking vv/vw continues..! Wish the Provari pricing was a little more budget friendly!
So I totally pulled the trigger about a month ago and bought this...
All authentic and shines up a beauty
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Currently my copper Able with copper Kennedy 24 V2 (two post)

The Mad Hatter mechs will always hold a special place for me too.
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Loved the TK so much I bought myself an able and it's a beauty,
I've literally shelved all my others mods except these two lol

Just want to get a new sleeve for this bugger
I love the look of mech mods...I even own a stingray x. But I can never really get a good vape? I generally build at around 0.3ohms but it never gives me the hit I want... Maybe it's not just for me?
I love the look of mech mods...I even own a stingray x. But I can never really get a good vape? I generally build at around 0.3ohms but it never gives me the hit I want... Maybe it's not just for me?
Lower your build to around 0.2 and you'll see an improvement. Wire choice is also critical, NI80 is the best choice for mechs.
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