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Fed up of gurgly tanks!


Jan 18, 2014

Not a new user as such but kind of feel like it with my still limited knowledge of the vaping world !

I have bought soooo many tanks in past year from Aspire CE5's, Kanger Evods, MT3's to Protanks and Aspire Nautilus . Probably bought 70 + since start of year .

Is it just me or are gurgly tanks just part and package of vaping?

They seem to work for few days but then the gurgling starts !? the occasional one may last a few weeks but most just give up .

Try cleaning out but only seems to work for a while before starting again

Thought pro tanks, Nautilus would be a better tank but find the more expensive ones dont have enough pull / vape as the cheaper ones do ?

Anyone come across tanks that are more reliable ?

Did try Smoketech DCT tank and they were really good for a while but last pack of replaceable cartomisers for them went gurgly - not sure if sometimes you just get a bad batch - or maybe i am filling it incorrectly ?

Any advice much appreciated !

Not a new user as such but kind of feel like it with my still limited knowledge of the vaping world !

I have bought soooo many tanks in past year from Aspire CE5's, Kanger Evods, MT3's to Protanks and Aspire Nautilus . Probably bought 70 + since start of year .

Is it just me or are gurgly tanks just part and package of vaping?

They seem to work for few days but then the gurgling starts !? the occasional one may last a few weeks but most just give up .

Try cleaning out but only seems to work for a while before starting again

Thought pro tanks, Nautilus would be a better tank but find the more expensive ones dont have enough pull / vape as the cheaper ones do ?

Anyone come across tanks that are more reliable ?

Did try Smoketech DCT tank and they were really good for a while but last pack of replaceable cartomisers for them went gurgly - not sure if sometimes you just get a bad batch - or maybe i am filling it incorrectly ?

Any advice much appreciated !

Gurgling .. its all out nightmares!

as you progress with it tho .. it ends up becoming less of a problem .. you kinda get to know the gear .. and how to fill etc to stop it ... and getting into rebuildables helps ... a lot (tho don't be fooled into thinking all high end rebuildables don't gurgle ... we have all done the kayfun gurgle dance ... )

Herons .. now there is an atty I've NEVER had gurgle ...
I thought the nautilus I had when they were new was awful terrible quality coils and constant gurgling . pro tanks not as bad but they had their moments

My favorite non rebuidable is a pt3 mini with a naturvape coil honestly can't remember if its ever flooded if it has it hasn't happened often .

With a naturevape coil you can adjust the amount of cotton you use to wick it which helps .

I assume you know blowing down he mouth piece will clear the juice out of the air holes .
Thanks for quick reply

Is Heron a rebuildable? is that the way to go ? Keep thinking perhaps its time to change to that but tbh not sure if I have the skills - does it take a while to learn ?

Just looking online - whats the condom method ? Looking at 510 Boge cartomisers and this term keeps appearing !

are the boge 510'2 any good?
Anthorn is our resident cartomiser fan, I can't say they appeal to me, they are relatively old tech and from what I have read the flavour can be muted compared to the tank systems.

If you fancy having a play with rebuildables I would recommend getting a dripper (RDA) and having a play. It might not turn out to be your ideal device, because whilst they NEVER gurgle they do have a tendency to leak, but they are a simple way to learn to coil and are great for testing juices so it is well worth having one in your vape box.

Gurgles are basically caused by too much juice getting to your coil, this can be due to a bad coil, bad batches are quite well known. It can also be due to a very thin and runny juice. If you are using a fairly high PG juice it might be worth trying something 50/50 PG/VG and see if that alleviates the problem. It can also be caused by sucking too hard and vacuuming the juice into the coil head. The best cure for this is more airflow.

Hope this helps
Thanks for quick reply

Is Heron a rebuildable? is that the way to go ? Keep thinking perhaps its time to change to that but tbh not sure if I have the skills - does it take a while to learn ?

Just looking online - whats the condom method ? Looking at 510 Boge cartomisers and this term keeps appearing !

are the boge 510'2 any good?

The TW Odyssey which takes Boge cartomisers was my first tank and I am a big fan, though I rarely use it these days. It's made of steel and glass where most of this type are plastic, which affects the flavour of your liquid. Are you sure you kept seeing condom and not tampon, because that is the size of the wicks.

Pro's: Hold a lot of liquid, the big wick means you never get a dry hit, you can vape at very high wattage and they last forever.

Con's: Low airflow means reduced flavour, they take forever to prime, the holes need enlarging for thick liquids and the TW tank costs around £30.
Gurgling .. its all out nightmares!

as you progress with it tho .. it ends up becoming less of a problem .. you kinda get to know the gear .. and how to fill etc to stop it ... and getting into rebuildables helps ... a lot (tho don't be fooled into thinking all high end rebuildables don't gurgle ... we have all done the kayfun gurgle dance ... )

Herons .. now there is an atty I've NEVER had gurgle ...

Funnily enough, I was doing the Kayfun gurgle dance this morning. I see it as something like a rain dance, and hopefully it will make Manabush appear in my letter box.....:grin2:

But, the Kayfun gurgle is easy enough to resolve... funnily enough the only tank I haven't had gurgle yet is the one that is a clone of a girls name. Even if it is over engineered I am now starting to be mildly impressed by it.
Thanks for quick reply

Is Heron a rebuildable? is that the way to go ? Keep thinking perhaps its time to change to that but tbh not sure if I have the skills - does it take a while to learn ?

Just looking online - whats the condom method ? Looking at 510 Boge cartomisers and this term keeps appearing !

are the boge 510'2 any good?

It IS a rebuildable .. and if you are going to go down this path .. you will end up at rebuildables anyway .. almost inevitably ...

Herons (and a lot of original rebuildables) are expensive tho .. so if you do go this route .. do your research and take your time - read around a lot on here and look into what will suit you.

probably best not to listen to just one Fanboys opinion (re: me plus Herons), @Diche has already also recommended drippers, which are a very way of finding out if rebuildables are for you inexpensively.

A heron + a mech mod to run it on will probably cost you twice as much as you have already spent in total on vaping. so maybe listen to Diche .. you may not end up staying with a dripper if you are looking for a tank to carry around as drippers are exactly what they say on the tin and require frequent re-dripping. But they are good to find out if you like fiddling with rebuildables and also good when sat at home (though some people use them all the time)

Remember kids ... a heron is for life, not just for Christmas!
Remember kids ... a heron is for life, not just for Christmas!
Right, but he's lying ... they gurgle too! :) Especially with the microcoil/cotton wick and no fluff method.
I've never had the girl's name or the Spheroid gurgle on me.

Besides which, gurgling is NOT a problem ... it's a parameter. At the opposite end of the scale is the dry hit. Everything in between is the fettling fun and games of wicking and the sweet spot that every tank system possesses.

Rachael - I almost spat out my coffee when I read that you've bought 70+ tanks in a year. SEVENTY??!!

I'm thinking that in 3 months I've used CE4 (x2), EVOD, PT3, MPT3 (x2), Aerotank ... then the rebuildables Russian 91%, Heron (x2), Spheroid, Rose and now waiting on a SQuape. Thirteen feels a tad excessive ... though I feel another Spheroid and a Flash-e-vape are on the horizon ... I just can't get my head around 70+. That's 6 every month ... how did you do that?
@Anthorn is our resident cartomiser fan, I can't say they appeal to me, they are relatively old tech and from what I have read the flavour can be muted compared to the tank systems.

Looks like some posts in this thread have been deleted or lost.

It's only old tech if you allow it to be and that's certainly the impression you get from U.K. vape shops. Beyond the basic punched cartos there are rebuildable cartos where you can build your own coils some with flow control such as the Diver, Killer, Sophia. Then there is that strange beast the Cartomizer Clearomizer or should that be Clearomizer Cartomizer? There's also that other strange beast the Clearo Cartomizer. Some day I might buy one to see what it's all about.

Just to note that a carto tank is not necessary to try out cartos. In fact a tank falls into the category of "optional extra". You can just fill a carto with juice, screw it onto an eGo battery and vape it. A pack of 5 plain unpunched cartos costs around a fiver or less
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