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Finally got the TFV12


Hi mate have you tried all the supplied coils (x4,q4,t12) ? Which ones seems the best ? Thanks

Sorry i haven't.. i cant fault the t12 so i bought more of them as they are designed for cloud chasing.
if its flavour you're after then the x4s would suffice.

So good flavour and clouds with t12 coil ? What watts do you use the t12 at ? As it's rated best 130-200. Thanks [emoji106]

So good flavour and clouds with t12 coil ? What watts do you use the t12 at ? As it's rated best 130-200. Thanks [emoji106]

Yes, for me anyway.
i vape at 230w, its just as powerful as using my tfv8 at 350w.
the only thing is it uses up lots of liquid.. if this is an issue for you then stick to 200 or less
Tfv8 at 350w!!! That must have been a fecking horrible experience. Have you ever vaped properly or have you always had it at burning high wattages?
Everyone is different man, i prefer vaping at high wattage
Hi mate, I do agree everyone is different, and some people like to vape at high wattages, some low, and that is perfectly fine- but I really do think you will get a much nicer vape within the coils actual rating, rather than say 150W over lol.

Have you tried yet vaping at a bit of a lower wattage? As you are only getting 0.5 Second hits like you said before, if you go any longer than this does the coil burn out, or it just gets too hot?

This may sound silly, but I am wondering have you switched from smoking higher strength tobacco, or something like cigars and taking them down? You might actually be getting a certain hit at these power settings, which is actually the cotton burning, but replacing the sensation of these harsher types of smoke.

It is only fairly recently we actually got these ultra high powered mods, when I started to vape properly a 100W, or 150W box was very, very powerful, and people who have been around longer than me will remember at one point 30W seemed insane lol!

Most people who do vape at the limit of these mods are making some really, really insane builds, with a tonne of surface area and mass, and vaping these at 200-300W actually isn't as harsh as you might expect. Just where you are using pre built coils for the TFV12 I want you to enjoy what you are doing more.

Also, what kind of battery life do you get at 350W?

Of course, if you have tried turning the power down, and are not burning anything at this power, none of us can say you are wrong if it is really what you enjoy, it just seems very strange to a lot of people- there isn't any hate here and I hope you know that, just people wanting to help :)
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