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Finally got the TFV12

For clouds, do you exhale slow or quick?
I have never really been into the cloud chasing or competition side of things, but I do admit to attempting a few tricks when I have been bored in the past.

I found for that, you did need a fair amount of vapour, and a nice long, deep inhale was best, around 5 seconds. This is pretty much how I vape anyway so I didn't need to adjust much, but I did find myself getting light headed when trying for too long lol.

EDIT: What a penis I am. You was talking about the Exhale, not inhale. Take a long hit, then blow out fast. Then do the same, but blow out slowly. You will then know what is best for clouds.
Well thanks for the helpful responses ive learnt alot from this forum
Hi mate, I realised my response wasn't that helpful as I was talking more about the inhale, which was my mistake.

I just meant that it is best to see what gives you personally the best results- with vaping it really changes from person to person, and I think each cloud chaser has their own technique.

One thing I wouldn't do though is the squat thing you see a lot of cloud chasers doing. This will actually stop you being able to inhale properly compared to standing up straight, and give you less vapour due to this. Just because a lot of people do something doesn't make it right, kind of like peeing on a jellyfish sting lol.
One way i can tell its morr cloudd in the lower wattages, the too of my mouth is a bit sore lol

Found an accurate review of this tank..
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I would like to put an official statement from myself (vaporiser) here:

Vaporiser is not related to the OP nor does he have any relevance to him, his views or his interests in any way.

Now that that's cleared up. I have heard some good things about the TFV12 and I'm glad you are enjoying it. I'm now selling my TFV8 on eBay. It was good in the beginning, but I've got to the point where I've realised that I don't really need that much cloud. And the vape is far too intense for me to enjoy it, so I probably won't be buying the TFV12. I'm using the Alien kit at the moment with the TFV8 Baby and also the Crown 2 with the new V3 coils. Plenty of flavour and a fair amount of vapour. There isn't that much difference in vapour when I used to switch from the Crown 2 to the TFV8 anyway.. I just found it gave me a headache and the vape was too hot. I don't think it's doing our lungs any favours when you vape over 100w but that's just my opinion. I'm vaping at no more than 80w now using the Crown 2 and Baby Beast and the combination of vapour and flavour is very enjoyable. There comes a point where you realise that more watts doesn't always mean more satisfaction, neither does more vapour. F**k the watt wanters/wankers and the cloud chasers/cunts.. I'm a new breed.. call me a "Flavour F**ker".
35w with a single fused clapton coil in the OBS Engine Nano is proof that watts ain't the be all and end all.
Frankly, if you want clouds, the best next step is to bin the pre-made coils and start experimenting with a rebuildable atomiser.
can't remember the last time I saw anyone using shop bought coils in a competition situation. no. never. they don't. simple. they tend to use RDAs, not stock tanks.

this lets you play with surface area to ramp up balance and wicking techniques (every bit as important as the coil itself) etc etc etc.
and you don't need crazy wattages to do it either - but you get more clouds. (damn, will I regret mentioning this now? lol)

BUT you need to do it properly and (yes, that boring word again) SAFELY - for which you need knowledge and the correct equipment. that's why many of us us have meultiple devices

I don't know what clouds you're producing but click on this video nd fastforward to 7mins 30:
this guy is producing pretty big clouds at only 55watts as he's made a decent (but fairly simple) build in an RDA.

(PS a replacement coil for him is about....... ooooooh....... maybe........5p yes, not £5 but 5p!!))

Maybe it's time to start experimenting in different ways?
you know, we'll happily answer any questions if this approach interests you
I see your point allen, but with rebuildables dont you have to keep taking the top off and putting liquid in every few puffs?
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