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Finally got the TFV12

there's a fine line between jumping on a band wagon and being an outright knobhead to someone and offering advice and assistance

what are you implying ? no one has been offensive or a "knobhead" , maybe a little sarcastic, you'll find it quite a regular occurrence on potv
I have to say, while the 'I vape at 350w for 0.3 seconds' thing happened. I've got a tfv8, not had it too long but used the 4 coil and the rba deck on it and it's great, no faults, no leaks gives me lots of vapour and the flavour (especially from the rba deck) is the best I've ever had. Granted the threads are a bit meh, but they haven't caused me a problem, I'm just picky about threads. However, I have no desire to buy a Tfv12, from the reviews I've seen, it's really not that different in terms of vapour production to a tfv8 and worse for flavour.

Let's just remember that people want different things on potv and there's a fine line between jumping on a band wagon and being an outright knobhead to someone and offering advice and assistance


Not a massive smok fan (even tho I do own a treebox) but it's all horses for courses, don't agree or like, don't bother reading...the one reason I like forums, you have the opportunity to read what you want.
Every review I have seen is saying that the tfv12 is full of flavour and bettter than the tfv8 for both flavour and vapour
Times are changing more now. Gone are the days of vaping to give up smoking only. It is now becoming not only a smoking cessation tool but a thing of competition for some people. Who's got the most watts, the biggest clouds, the most coils etc which for me has no relevance to vaping.

Now don't forget they who use the most watts and the most coils lowest ohms possible, also get through their batteries, juice, coils etc much quicker. Not to mention their surplus cash.
No way am i saying how to vape, each to their own on that. I am merely stating the fact that there is no need to compete do those in competition for the thickest clouds also want the woman with the thickest thighs. Or those who want the most watts also want the most warts.

Smok the best?. M80 poor tc Xcube2 slated by many, yes i have 1 as well. same with TFV4.
most Smok tanks have had problems one way or another ie leaks, get to hot fast etc
devices like the Alien, paint peeling stopped working after a few days
Ok other manufacturers have not been to clever with their stuff either but there is no way Smok are one of the best manufacturers

£40 for the TFV12, where you masturbating when you payed for it as they obviously seen you coming. By that i am saying you payed more than neccesary for the tank. Again it was your money just think you could have got a better deal.
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