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Franky has been cloned

Well from what I can gather Kindbright released images of the mis-spelling, then later released more photos with the correct spelling.

Also tbf, China aren't the first to clone the Frankie. A French guy/company cloned it awhile ago (so well infact, it was passed off as genuine to a vendor who sells high end squonks)

Seeing as Franks are now worthless, i'll give you £40 for yours because im such a nice guy :)2
Seeing as Franks are now worthless, i'll give you £40 for yours because im such a nice guy :)2
I don't even squonk bro but I'll bid £50. It can go in the museum
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The correctly spelt ones are on alibaba atm
I wouldn't mind betting when it arrives its spelt the same as the original. A great deal of the clones that have been devoid of logo on the site have turned up with logo. The sxk hadaly being the last.
I admit, I have never quite seen the appeal of these? Probably because I am such a boring old fart these days I suspect. I remember a chum being terribly disparaging about them when they first appeared, but as is the way of these things, he now is really into them and is an admin on the fb group for these and for the Runt.

Don't forget though, the world of vaping is SO cyclical. Up until about August, you couldn't give a Billet Box away....... Now look at them!!
Same thing with Mechs, suddenly they have had a tremendous resurgence in popularity.
I'm not saying that we'll all be slavering all over Ce4's and Ego 450 Batteries again any time soon, but certainly the cycle of rediscovered and updated older Mods is very alive and well.
I wouldn't mind betting when it arrives its spelt the same as the original. A great deal of the clones that have been devoid of logo on the site have turned up with logo. The sxk hadaly being the last.
Boldvape has already posted images of the correctly spelt Frankie.
I'm in two minds with the original Frankie as I know little about it's production. I used to make a product for a niche market. This product cost me £10 in parts roughly and I used to sell them for £23 delivered. Postage cost around £3 so I made a tenner but that didn't account for my time. If frankies are made on a small printer at home and only so many can be made due to the time available I get it. If they are purposely held in small numbers to create a demand then I don't.
Victor Frankenstein will be rolling in his grave with all this cloning going on......
I will say for anyone looking at dipping a toe. Please consider the pico squeeze. I can easily understand how the ft Frankie costs £15 but I have no idea how they are selling the squeeze for around the same money. The quality is incredible. You get a kick style circuit and a charging circuit too. Add the o atty clone and for a little over £20 you have something special.
I sell bespoke PVC cards, ID card printers and the likes..

I can guarentee you if had potential customers chomping at the bit to buy my products I'd ensure that I'd be churning ID cards out 24 / 7 to meet demand. Maybe the manufacturers are? I have my doubts.

I agree with @eyeball kid about the squeeze and the O atty brilliant bits of kit and I got change out of $30


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