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Franky has been cloned

I think we are at times thinking large scale industrial plants are out there, ready to churn out high end squonk mods every 2 secs, employing 5000 workers
This clearly can't be the case, costs, niche market, one or two man band, not the modders only job?
Be it franky, a runt, m -vapes... or an ax mod....they all take time and are prob only produced at a rate that the modder can cope with.
I will say for anyone looking at dipping a toe. Please consider the pico squeeze. I can easily understand how the ft Frankie costs £15 but I have no idea how they are selling the squeeze for around the same money. The quality is incredible. You get a kick style circuit and a charging circuit too. Add the o atty clone and for a little over £20 you have something special.
I'll see if I can get a Frankie wrap for my Pico Squeeze, once it arrives :D
I have said this before its a mod it vaporizes fluid. i understand some work better than others and some parts are better than others etc etc. i have no complaint about paying for the quality chipsets by Evolv and Yihi, but i just cant justify certain things and how they are priced.. for me i could not part with the sort of money an authentic franky goes for for what it is i can't justify the cost of materials plus the work for what it is. I would rather spend the same on a DNA250 or similar, stab wood is another i know it costs to make it but when modders are charging an extra £200 for the wood instead of a metal case then i have to say it is sort of greedy how much profit is made. just like the latest kids fad the makers milk anything thats "in fashion".
If you are making a lot of money doing whatever or are just rich for some other reason ie luck, inheritance then it may seem like peanuts but for me i can't justify it sorry.
then there is the willy waving brigade who want it just for the Look at me i got a mod worth x amount, don't understand there logic.
the franky clones are a way for serious buyers to test an expensive product and gauge if the authentic would be worth them parting with the cash though.
each to their own as usual and the opinions are mine but you don't have to agree or start bitching about them just have your own opinion which would be something i would not moan about you for.
There was a thread over on FT but i cant seem to find it now sorry

The box is apparently 72mm x 42mm x 24mm.
not sure how that compares to the original ?
probably in the black franky clone discussion thread
I think we are at times thinking large scale industrial plants are out there, ready to churn out high end squonk mods every 2 secs, employing 5000 workers
This clearly can't be the case, costs, niche market, one or two man band, not the modders only job?
Be it franky, a runt, m -vapes... or an ax mod....they all take time and are prob only produced at a rate that the modder can cope with.
Spot on bud. Like I said if it's a guy in his garage. Say no more I get it. But the larger scale companies who release rta' s rda' s and mods on a limited release to drum up demand get my goat. If it's good and you can make them in high numbers. Do it. We will buy them
I'm another boring old fart that doesn't squonk and am not affected by this in any way.

I am, however, somewhat tickled by the thought of trying to clone a monster made up from various bits of different people! :P
Spot on bud. Like I said if it's a guy in his garage. Say no more I get it. But the larger scale companies who release rta' s rda' s and mods on a limited release to drum up demand get my goat. If it's good and you can make them in high numbers. Do it. We will buy them

Reportedly it takes 24 hours per print on the Frankies.

Now I don't print things so can't comment, I've ordered models to be printed before some took the printer 16 hours to do, others have taken the printer 3 hours to print and despatch 5 of them.
I'm a recent squonk convert. It's been a bit of a revelation for me as I mostly use mechs except when I'm driving because dripping and driving is a pain and slightly dangerous.
I picked up a Coppervape a few weeks ago and it's solved the drip driving issue.
If I could afford an authentic I'd definitely put my name in the hat for one, even though it's overpriced in my opinion.
If I was in the market for another device I'd probably pick up the clone.
Reportedly it takes 24 hours per print on the Frankies.

Now I don't print things so can't comment, I've ordered models to be printed before some took the printer 16 hours to do, others have taken the printer 3 hours to print and despatch 5 of them.
Thanks huggett. I knew someone would know. In which case I fully understand. You can't sell what you can't make. Add to that the time to build the internals. It may be simple but it all takes considerable time.
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