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Given the risk of legislation and other actions imposed in the future months / years.

Would you be happy to pay the same as a pack of fags for your eJuice equivalent?

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wouldnt it be crazy if we werent getting any nic at all and didnt even know it?

Similar to the fact that none of you exist and this is a fantasy created in my own mind from a slightly jilted reality. I mean come on, you're not really there are you.
I don't understand your statement .... But my understanding is that ejuice nic strength is mg to milliliter (ML), so 4mg per ML is 4mg ... You limit it to 2mg per unit and its still 4mg but the unit would be limited to a half a ML? I still get the same kick from my 24mg regardless if I put a half ML or a full ML in my tank.

They are saying in their proposal that "standardise a limit of 2 milligrams per consumption unit" not mg/ml so by that you cannot have any bottle having more than 2mg total strength in the whole bottle. So they want a 100ml bottle to only have 2 mg in it (0.02mg/ml). and a 10 ml bottle to still only have 2mg total in it (0.2 mg/ml). 2mg in a 100ml bottle is pretty pi$$ poor. The 4 mg comes in if the container is only 0.5 ml because then the 2mg max would equate to 4mg/ml.
That's my understanding of the propsal.
Take a read of the proposal yourself and see if you come to the same conclusions as me.
The 4 mg comes in if the container is only 0.5 ml because then the 2mg max would equate to 4mg/ml.

Exactly ... the limit is proposed at a maximum of 4mg, how you get there is another debate ... not opened by my post.
Exactly ... the limit is proposed at a maximum of 4mg, how you get there is another debate ... not opened by my post.

Here Szaxe is the press release from December 16th, see what you can make of it.

Wrong piece :doh:
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Exactly ... the limit is proposed at a maximum of 4mg, how you get there is another debate ... not opened by my post.
Here is the bit taken from the press release PDF file

The proposal stipulates that NCP that either have a nicotine level exceeding 2 mg, a
nicotine concentration exceeding 4 mg per ml or whose intended use results in a
mean maximum peak plasma concentration exceeding 4 ng per ml may be placed on
the market only if they have been authorised as medicinal products on the basis of
their quality, safety and efficacy, and with a positive risk/benefit balance. NCP with
nicotine levels below this threshold can be sold as consumer products provided they
feature an adapted health warning. The nicotine threshold identified in this proposal
has been established by considering the nicotine content of medicinal products
(Nicotine Replacement Therapies, NRTs) for smoking cessation which have already
received a market authorisation under the medicinal products' legislation.
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