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gonna by some wire for TC

Too inconsistent for me that's why I gave up on ss for TC.

I've never really had an issue with it, although I find on non colour dna devices you can find the sweet spot by looking at the screed on the mod because you see the temp numbers change and then get the temp protect message on the colour devices the numbers are static which is weird meaning you need device monitor.
Why? Set the temp to 250c on either version & that's the temp at which it cuts power (temp protect). Older DNA just shows the live reading, same as when you're in power mode. No need for device monitor unless you have issues.
Why? Set the temp to 250c on either version & that's the temp at which it cuts power (temp protect). Older DNA just shows the live reading, same as when you're in power mode. No need for device monitor unless you have issues.

I just prefee seeing the live reading

When in replay does it change anything if you change it from watts to a temp material?
Defeats the object of using Replay as it then requires you to set preheat & temp so you may as well use a TC profile
Replay utilises the resistance change in wire as it heats up to maintain a consistent vape according to the watts you set. It doesn't need to know what wire type as long as that wire resistance changes. It works the same as TC without needing specific wire profiles, setting preheat & temperature.
In power mode if you set the watts to say 45w the mod will continue to deliver 45w throughout. This means the wire will get hotter the longer you fire. In Replay, the power is throttled to prevent overheating based on the saved vape but this only works on wire that change resistance & the greater the change the more consistent the vape. This is why wire like Ni200, Ti & NiFe30 give better results generally. SS works well at higher ohm & behaves more consistently, I find.
Defeats the object of using Replay as it then requires you to set preheat & temp so you may as well use a TC profile
Replay utilises the resistance change in wire as it heats up to maintain a consistent vape according to the watts you set. It doesn't need to know what wire type as long as that wire resistance changes. It works the same as TC without needing specific wire profiles, setting preheat & temperature.
In power mode if you set the watts to say 45w the mod will continue to deliver 45w throughout. This means the wire will get hotter the longer you fire. In Replay, the power is throttled to prevent overheating based on the saved vape but this only works on wire that change resistance & the greater the change the more consistent the vape. This is why wire like Ni200, Ti & NiFe30 give better results generally. SS works well at higher ohm & behaves more consistently, I find.

thats why I tend to try dual coil at 0.3 but sometimes its about 0.25

With NiFe30 I know there are csv files for it but is it right that you can use the Ni200 profile for it?
TCR for Ni200 is 620, I suspect it won't work too well on NiFe30.
The thing about all this is you shouldn't be afraid to experiment, who's to say I'm talking pish over someone else. Try it for yourself, if it gives you a good vape that makes you happy, so be it. While I appreciate others thoughts on a subject I still try for myself (within the bounds of safety).
thats why I tend to try dual coil at 0.3 but sometimes its about 0.25

With NiFe30 I know there are csv files for it but is it right that you can use the Ni200 profile for it?
Seriously, why use a profile for Ni200 on a NiFe30 wire when there's a .csv profile for it. NiFe30 is 492 TCR & Ni200 is 600 so quite a difference if you use the wrong TCR or .csv.
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