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Goodbye to a Vaper friend


Feb 27, 2017
Ok. Yrs ago I knew German Hermann. Well yrs ago I met him and knew him for yrs.
We all knew him as Herman the German. Some have told me he was Dutch or something else but he was happy and laughed being greeted that way "hey, Herman" Funny guy.
He was a detectorist and a very very good one too. Started in the early days and found heaps. Gold.
Id bump into him here n there and have a laugh, and knew him too from when I worked part time in a couple of detecting shops in Dunolly Victoria.
I'll never forget, he put me onto Vaping. He was id say 20 yrs older than me easy.
He came into the shop. I thought he was smoking. Was no smoking in shops and we had a tin out front for customers to chuck the smokes and butts into.
Herman comes in cig in hand and blowing out, what looked like smoke.
Im, "hi Herman mate, nah, stay outside and finish it or butt it out mate, sorry!"
Herman's "nope, im not butting it out" and kept puffing.
Im "mate, Herman, your a friend but sorry the boss told me no smoking in the shop no matter who they are!" Herman starts laughing, "look at this .......... its not a smoke'"
Then shows me a cig like, one of the first here vape cigs with a light up led end vapes.
Im "what the......is that thing?"
He then tells me it's a vape and explains it all to me.
Weeks later im onto it, telling the misses we gotta quit and get onto these.
A month later we did.
So thumbs up to Herman for educating me and switching me onto vaping.
Was a great gold prospector, and if he'd not shown me, being a bit reclusive as I am here in the bush, who knows if Id ever switched.
So two thumbs up and goodbye mate Herman.
Thats my go from smoking to Vaping story.
I heard he passed away recently.
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I remember those cig-alike things - my first vape was one of those too, I was amazed by how reduced my smoking dramatically straight away. Sounds like a great guy, sad to hear he’s gone :grouphug:
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