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Greetings from Pwllheli, North Wales!


Jun 9, 2013
Hello guys and gals. I figured it only polite to introduce myself as I seem to be hanging out here. Nice little community you have here and I hope to become a useful member :grin2:
I started vaping about 6 months ago and haven't looked back. As a former 40 per day smoker of roll ups for over 25 years, I found it surprisingly easy to switch and am trying to convert every friend I know!
I started with a basic 'VIP' E-cig, moved to their ego style + clearo and soon found myself buying my first mod - a 'Transformer'. I've tried clearos, vivi nova's, carto's + smok UDCT tank, smok viv tank and most recently, an AGA T2 - my first step into Genesis style atomizers. . . . which isn't going too well. I have a smok RSST tank on the way and I'm hoping that will be better. I have also got a Vamo, Zmax, SID and my first mechanical is ordered - The natural. Don't you just love shiny new stuff? My everyday vape is the transformer (love the adjustable air intake) and the XXL 'Mega Dual Coil Carto's'.
Oh, and I got into mixing my own juice last week and my first batch will be ready to taste on Wednesday!
Nice to meet ya all :thankssign:
Thanks Gary68 and whit77 - It's good to be here and the boards are full of interesting topics!
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